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It doesn't nut punny

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Q: Why doesn't the climate change a person's character?
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How does climate change affect the automobiles?

It doesnt realy but the climate is getting hotter so cars can overhaet quicker. It is more cars that affect climate change

Is Walter Mitty a static or dynamic character?

static, he doesnt change

What is a word for a character that doesnt change?

The word is static. It means unvarying, consistent, and lacking in change.

A character who helps the plot along but isnt a major character and who doesnt change during the course of the story would be called a?

Static secondary character

How does moisture affect climate?

it doesnt

What doesnt the climate depend on?

animal life

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How does altitude mimic latitude in climate?

it doesnt

How does elevation of bodies of water affect Oregon's climate?

It doesnt

How do the Earths physical processes change and renew the physical features of your planet?

it doesnt it doesnt it doesnt it doesnt it doesnt

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it doesnt change

How did the Hunger Games change?

it doesnt change you dumb