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Q: Why doesn't the green knight kill gawain?
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How did Sir Gawain kill the green knight?

He was jousting and drove The green knight off his horse and the horse trampled him

Why does the green knight stop his Axe from falling the second time?

The Green Knight stops his axe from falling the second time to challenge Sir Gawain's courage and honor. He is testing Gawain's reaction and resolve to face his impending death, as part of the test set by Morgan le Fay. By stopping the axe and giving Gawain a chance to prepare himself, the Green Knight is evaluating Gawain's ability to live up to the chivalric code.

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What happens when sir Gawain meets the green knight?

Gawain wants revenge of Lancelot because of the death of his brothers. However, when they meet on the battle field Lancelot refuses to fight him because they were once close. Lancelot is forced to fight him, but does not kill him and leaves Gawain wounded on the field of battle.

Which saying best paraphrases what the green knight says to sir gaiwan at the end of sir gaiwan and the green knigh?

"The green knight's words encapsulate the theme of honor and integrity, as he acknowledges Gawain's mistake but also commends his bravery and honesty. Through his words, he emphasizes the importance of upholding one's word and facing challenges with courage."

What does green slime drop on runescape?

green slime doesnt drop much because it is a nubby creature if u kill green slime u are noobish

How do you kill green guardian in chibi knight?

To defeat the Green Guardian in Chibi Knight, you need to jump on its head while avoiding its attacks. Wait for the Guardian to lower its shield and then jump on it. Be patient, time your attacks carefully, and avoid taking damage from its projectiles.

How do you fight the green knight on Chibi Knight?

go onto a shelve where the rocks are thrown then when a rock is dropped it the rock an it will be hurled onto the knights head

Who is more heroic Beowulf or sir gawain?

Hm...depends. Are we talking epic level high-heroism (Beowulf does kill a dragon, after all!) or heroic virtues (Gawain was THE greatest knight of the round table until Christien whats-his-face wrote "The Knight of the Cart" and supplanted him)? If we're talking epic-level heroism, I must say Beowulf wins out. The guy kills a dragon. Of course, he unfortunately kicks the bucket shortly thereafter, but come on, he kills a frikkin' dragon! Not to mention, in BK I he saves Hrothgar and co. not only once, but TWICE, from some monstrous dude named Grendell and his scary mommy. If we're talking heroic as in having heroic virtues, than I must say, Gawain wins out. The man was the epitome of chivalry and courtesy, and he had rather progressive views on women to boot (re: The Marriage of Dame Ragnell), despite being a bit of a playa'. As a bonus, he was nice to the young'uns and much more loyal to Arthur than that jerk, Lance-lout. None of that "sleeping with my best friend's wife" business for him, nope. For more Gawain awesomeness, you should also perhaps read "Sir Gawain and the Green Knight." It's made of win.

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NO! of course she doesnt kill renesmee.

Where get triforce of wisdom in wc3 fantasy life 1.21?

First Shard : on the left of sephiroth u have to kill the Watcher. Second Shard : hiding behind the left eggs of the green dragon. Third Shard : you have to kill the ghost knight

Can a pawn at d4 kill knight at e5?

Yes , a pawn at d4 can capture a knight at e5 .