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Q: Why doesn't the hydrochloric acid produced by the stomach digest its own lining cells?
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Does not eating on time cause stomach ulcers?

Yes it does cos the stomach doesnt stop producing acid and if the acid piles up without seeing anything to digest, it erodes the linings of the stomach.

How does feces digest?

It doesnt digest as such it is the bi product of digestion

What are the functions of the acid in your stomach?

1 - The very low pH (1-2) of the acid in the stomach is a very harsh environment, so most bacteria are killed off. The pH acts as a defense mechanism. 2 - The enzyme protease works optimally at a low pH. This means the environment in the stomach is ideal for the break down of proteins to take place.

Gthe rbcs in the blood is produced continuouslly by bone marrow so why doesnt your blood vessals become full?

Because they need to be in your Stomach to be Digested.

How do small intestine helps digest food?

it doesnt

Why doesnt hydrochloric acid harm you?

how to basically stop it from harming you. KEEP AWAY FROM IT

Why doesnt gastric juice digest inside of the stomach?

because the inside of our stomach is protected by a mucosal layer that prevents its own digestion. Now, it doesn't mean that the inside of the stomach can never be damaged by the gastric juice. An ulcer occurs when this layer of mucus has been destroyed by the acidity of the gastric juice (with the help of certain bacterial infections in the stomach).

Can you sleep on your stomach with a new belly button piercing?

Yeah it doesnt matter but it can pull if you lie on your stomach.

How do you take your poo out?

Wiggle you stomach if that doesnt work brath in and out

What causes belly aches?

maybe is what you ate,if you ate bad food you could have a belly ache and also can cause diarria if you get a belly ache.And you cant sleep with a full stomach,that can cause a belly ache because your not letting the food that you ate digest,you could throw up.And last,is that you ate to much food and the acid in your stomach doesnt have enough room to digest the food,you could also throw up. I hope this helps you to know why you get belly aches :) !

Does everything you eat after 7 o'clock PM turn into sugar?

it doesnt matter when you eat something, it will digest the same way. But the rate it will digest will determine on whether you are being active or not.

How does stomach acid protect you?

well, it is so strong it killls most harmful bacteria that we swallow or eat on food. It doesnt kill all types of bacteria though! some are just too strong!