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The low coolant sensor is bad or disconnected.

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Q: Why doesn't the low coolant light go out after bringing coolant to the proper level in 2001 Monte Carlo 3.4 V6 engine?
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Related questions

Where does engine coolant go in the alero?

Engine coolant in an Alero is used in the radiator. A diagram and instructions for how to properly use the coolant can be found on the package instructions. An owner manual will also assist in proper use of coolant.

What does a car radiator do?

Radiator stores engine coolant for circulation throughout the engine The radiator is placed at the front of the engine and exposed to the atmosphere to keep coolant cool to maintain proper engine temperature

Could the bottle for the coolant cause over heating if it has a split in it?

If the coolant reservoir can not maintain the proper level of coolant, it is possible the engine could over heat when the level drops.

Why a Pontiac Montana overhaets frequentely?

The Pontiac Montana engine will overheat if the coolant gets low and is not refilled properly. If coolant is added, an air block WILL OCCUR preventing proper circulation unless owners manual is followed. There are 2 blleeder valves in coolant system. They must be opened & closed in proper sequence (see manual) or engine will overheat. I know-been there! Woodchuck The Pontiac Montana engine will overheat if the coolant gets low and is not refilled properly. If coolant is added, an air block WILL OCCUR preventing proper circulation unless owners manual is followed. There are 2 blleeder valves in coolant system. They must be opened & closed in proper sequence (see manual) or engine will overheat. I know-been there! Woodchuck

What is the proper level of coolant in the radiator of a 2000 3.0L ford ranger?

The coolant level is checked at the coolant tank in the passenger front corner of the engine compartment . The coolant level should be up to the cold mark when the engine is cold . The radiator should be full so its covering the top plate .

Can you put water and coolant in the radiator?

Yes, you can. But if you leave in cold area you will have to replace with proper coolant closer to winter. Otherwise it will damage not only your radiator but also the engine.

Did you ruin the engine by adding low silicate coolant in your 1999 Chevy Camaro?

What does your owner's manual say to use? If low silicate is not listed then drain and refill with the proper coolant.

What should you do if your engine overheats?

Do not have your car on. First step is to make sure your car has enough engine coolant, if you are low, buy some at the store and put it in its proper place for your car(If you do not know where that is then consult your owner's manual for engine or engine coolant.) If that is not the problem, then it is possible that you have a leak somewhere from the coolant container to your engine. Either check for any possible holes or loose connections or take it into an auto repair shop.

What is the proper engine temp for a 1989 Chevy Corvette?

You should have a thermostat that keeps the engine coolant temperature at 180 or 195. If you are in a cool climate the 195 will work best.

How would you know if your 1998 Toyota Camry needs antifreeze?

Check the coolant reservoir in the engine compartment. There are marks to assist you with proper level. If it's empty you need to add coolant ASAP.

How do you add coolant to 1985 Mercedes 380SE?

To add coolant to and 1985 Mercedes 380se find the reservoir located in the engine bay next to the radiator. Make sure to use the proper mixture of coolant to water ratio and pour until the appropriate level. Overfilling can lead to sprouting a leak while the engine is running.

Engine hot cooling not hot?

Engine is Hot, Coolant is not HOThere engine is hot means above the engine operating temperature, Coolant is not hot means coolant in the radiator is not hot and the coolant is below or withing the operating temperature.i think there is no water blow out from the radiator cap if you have this problem then the following will not apply to your case.* water is not circulating through the radiator, either half of the pumped water is circulating through the radiator or another half circulates through the engine block because of thermostat. so please check the engine thermostat for proper function.