

Why doesn't the moon fall down?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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16y ago

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because it is in space and every thing in space is weightless.

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Why does the moon not fall down?

The moon orbits the earth, it could be said that it is falling down, but it keeps missing the earth. (Over simplified).

Why doesnt the moon have enough gravity on it to pull us down?

It does. Astronauts on the moon can jump higher than they do on Earth but they still come back down. The moon's gravity is weaker than Earth's because the moon has less mass.

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No, it will be "catapulted" away from Earth because of the centrifugal force.

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One does not necessarily float on the moon, rather experiences less gravity which in turn doesnt pull you down at the same speed as persay on the earth

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it doesnt

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Gravity is pulling down on it and keeping it in place but the moon is slowly drifting away about an inch a year

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it doesnt

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The moon has no oxygen because it has no atmosphere.

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if you want to carry a market research then you need to hold it properly so it doesnt fall down lol:D