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This is a question you should be presenting to the school. However, this is why I always recommend that individuals seeking higher education to stay with schools that have a regional accreditation. With a regional accreditation, you can be assured that the coursework and degree you complete will be recognized by all other colleges, universities, testing and licensing agencies, as well as employers. It's unfortunate that so many students find themselves in unrecognized programs of study.

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Q: Why doesnt Techskills inform their medical transcription students that their curriculum is not approved by AHDI which makes the student ineligible to participate in the apprenticeship program?
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The experienced curriculum refers to what learners actually encounter and engage with during their educational experiences, as opposed to the intended curriculum which outlines the intended learning outcomes. It encompasses all the learning opportunities, interactions, and activities that students participate in within the educational setting.

What is the role of learner in the curriculum?

The learner is the primary reason of developing the curriculum. Everything revolve in curriculum is the interest,skills and abilities of the learner. They are the primary concern of every teacher to meet the interest on teaching process.

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There are many different Heating Ventilation Air Conditioning (HVAC) training programs available. Their cost, duration and curriculum can vary significantly. Some also have an apprenticeship component of real world on the job training.

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The assessment and curriculum are the center of education if the assessment does not relate to curriculum the curriculum will be useless because assessment and curriculum are combined.

What happen if assessment does not relate to curriculum?

The assessment and curriculum are the center of education if the assessment does not relate to curriculum the curriculum will be useless because assessment and curriculum are combined.

What Would happen if assessment does not to curriculum?

The assessment and curriculum are the center of education if the assessment does not relate to curriculum the curriculum will be useless because assessment and curriculum are combined.

What are the patterns of curriculum organization?

Curriculum organization of the curriculum content, means the process of selecting curriculum elements from the subject, the current social life and the students' experience, then designing the selected curriculum elements appropriately so that they can form the curriculum structure and type. In a narrow sense curriculum organization is the process to change the content into students' learning experiences intentionally, and make learning experiences sequential ,integral, successive after curriculum ideology has been determined, curriculum goal been set, curriculum content been selected. by favour geoffrey or

What would happen if curriculum does not relate to assessment?

The assessment and curriculum are the center of education if the assessment does not relate to curriculum the curriculum will be useless because assessment and curriculum are combined.

What is the similarities between traditional curriculum and progressive curriculum?

they are both curriculum

Why is it bad to not play sport?

Because you don't remain fit and don't participate in curriculum activities.Also,sports are enjoyable and only a fool would not play sports.It enhances speed,agility,aggresion and stamina.You play?

Which is the best Transcription skills training centre in Kochi?

Searching for the best transcription skills training center in Kochi? Transorze Solutions is where you want to be. This institute is well-known for its top-tier training programs that prepare you thoroughly for a career in transcription. Transorze Solutions offers an extensive course that covers everything from essential transcription skills to advanced techniques. The trainers are seasoned professionals who bring real-world experience to the classroom, making the learning process both engaging and practical. One of the highlights of Transorze Solutions is their flexible schedule, ideal for those balancing other commitments. The training center is equipped with cutting-edge technology, and the curriculum is always updated to reflect the latest industry standards. By the end of the course, you'll have the expertise and confidence to excel in the transcription field. For anyone looking to boost their career with top-notch transcription skills, Transorze Solutions in Kochi is the go-to place! For more detailed information, visit our official website.

What is the difference between curriculum planning and curriculum development?

curriculum is student centered while curriculum planning is teacher centered.