

Why doesnt the scapula move?

Updated: 10/25/2022
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12y ago

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It is a fixated bone with no joint.

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Q: Why doesnt the scapula move?
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What muscle doesnt connect to the scapula?

The heart and many others.

What does the trapezius move?

Scapula, and the Lateral 3rd of the Clavicle.

What structure does the scapula move upon?

The scapula moves against the posterior aspect of the rib cage. There is also articulation of the scapula with the humerous at the glenoid fosa and with the clavical at the acromion.

What process on the scapula does not articulate with other bone?

The medial border of the scapula is what does not articulate on the scapula with any other bone. It is actually parallel to the vertebrae column and because it does not articulate the arms as well as shoulders have move movement.

Does the scapula have any movement?

Yes it has. The Scapula and humerus forms the shoulder joint and they both coordinate to give overhead abduction, that is abduction above 90 degrees. for every 30 degree movement of the arm or the humerus the scapula moves by 10 degrees. We cannot have overhead abduction is our scapula is stabilized or does not move.

What is the function of scapula in the skeletal system?

It is the shoulder blade. It connects the arm bone to the collar bone. It connects to many shoulder muscles to move your arms and shoulders.

Type of movement trapezius produces?

stabilizes, raises, retracts, and rotates scapula; adducts scapula and elevates /depresses scapula stabilizes, raises, retracts, and rotates scapula; adducts scapula and elevates /depresses scapula

A part that does not move in pulley?

if it is a fixed pulley, itself doesnt move. If it is a rotating pulley, its joint probably doesnt move.

The functions of ball-in-socket joints?

They let your bones move in all directions. I.E., your humerus and scapula.

What muscles can be antagonistic to themselves?

Trapezius - it elevates and depresses the scapula.

What are facts about the scapula?

Scapula The Scapula is a Latin word meaning "Blade".so instead of saying the "shoulder scapula" you could say "shoulder blade." The scapula is the second shoulder bone in the 206 bones in the human body. The scapula is a wider flat bone at the back of the shoulder. The Scapula is also held in place by the end of the clavicle that is not connected to that thorax. The triceps muscle Starts on the scapula and runs down the back of the upper arm to the lower end of the humerous bone, which is the third bone in the shoulder. That muscle allows the arm to move back and forth. Two of the most important shoulder tendons are the rhomboid major and the rhomboid minor, they both attach to the scapula to help the shoulder bone move in or out. Another major tendon in the human body is the levator scapulae which does the same thing except…it helps raise and lower the scapula and the muscle around the scapula. There is also the rotary cuff which is a group of four muscles that run from the scapula to the humerous. The main job of that is to keep the shoulder girdle stable. If that girdle breaks or tears you will not be able to move your arm freely most of the time it will heal w/ lots of rest but in a much milder case you may need surgery. Another incident containing the ligaments is called shoulder separation, shoulder separation is the stretching or tearing of the ligaments at the end of the clavicle which would make it no longer attach to the scapula.

What does the frog scapula do?

The frog doesn't have a scapula