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They're considered symbols of joy, which are inappropriate for sad occasions.

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Q: Why don't Jewish funerals allow flowers and music?
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Why is there music at funerals?

Type your answer here... There is music so that the funeral home can charge you for another service that they provide. (bring your own)

Who were the Jewish lectors in music?

who were the Jewish lectors

Where can a person find Jewish music online?

One can find Jewish music online on the website Youtube. Youtube is a popular video and music site with many different music videos available, including Jewish music.

What do Jewish funerals NOT allow?

A number of things: 1. Wakes 2. Flowers 3. Music 4. Open caskets 5. Bright colored clothes 6. Caskets with adornment and metal 7. Parties Orthodox Jews tear garments, while Modern Jews wear a ribbon that gets cut. Also, Orthodox Jews cover their mirrors and take off their shoes and have friends provide cooking, cleaning, laundry, and shopping for them. When visiting Jews in mourning, no doorbells are rung and there's no yelling at the door - the door is unlocked and people walk in quietly to visit.

Where can i find sheet music for gathering flowers for the master's bouquet?

Sheet music gathering flowers for yhe masters bouguet

What starts off a Jewish weddings?

Jewish wedding music

Jewish party music?

There's a class of music called "Klezmer" which is primarily of Ashkenazic (European Jewish) origin.

Why is Dead March in Saul used for state funerals?

Because it is a stately and classical piece of music. Most state funerals (in the Commonwealth) pattern that of Winston Churchill in which this march was prominently used. Also note that it was Handel who composed many pieces of music which are considered classics (eg. Scipio).

What music is played at the Jewish wedding ceremony?

Synagogue music

When was music played or sung in African life?

christenings, funerals, weddings, birth, birthday and theres lots of different

Do Jewish weddings have music?


Where is free Jewish cantorial music?

You can find a variety of free Jewish cantorial music at the links listed under related links: