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Some autistic people don't mind being normal, they tried passing for normal because of being bullied and judged in different ways. Now they know how being normal affects them. Yes, they think that's how people are going to get attached to them- but some decide to stick with their autistic behavior. They don't like how being normal affects them and they know it's making other people happy but not themselves.

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Q: Why don't autistic people like being called normal?
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Why don't some autistic people like being called normal?

Some people with autism have tried passing for normal because of being bullied or judged in the past. And they knew later on how it affected them. Being normal can block out our energy and can drain out everything in us. If we were being normal everyday, we would be boring. Some autistic people don't mind being called normal. But for some, they do find it offensive-same with me. Because they think that's how neurotypical people would approve of them. Autistic people should not be ashamed of being autistic-even I'm not. If some people don't approve their autistic behavior-it's mostly their problem. Autistic people shouldn't try to be someone that they truly aren't to impress other people and so people around them wouldn't feel embarresed.

What is it called when your afraid or being autistic?

There is no specific term for someone who is afraid of being Autistic.A person is Autistic or they are not, it is pointless being an Autistic person who is scared of being themselves or a neurotypical person who is scared of being something they could never possibly be. Fear of Autism in general is just plain ableism, discrimination against Autistic people.

How do you act normal when you're autistic?

Define what you mean by 'act normal', or for that matter how you define normal.Many Autistic people attempt to 'pass' as neurotypical as a means of survival, but as Autism acceptance increases there's less of a need to do this - there's nothing wrong with being Autistic, continuing to act Autistic is not a problem and shouldn't be treat as something abnormal.

Is it normal for autistic people to be anti social throughout their life?

Semi-normal. Many autistic people are not anti-social at all and many are very social - just because autistic people lack social skills or struggle to cope with being around other people for long periods of time doesn't necessarily mean that they don't like being social. Many autistic people, like many neurotypical people, may be anti-social but this is more commonly a result of an individuals personality or past experience than their neurology.

Do autistic people have auditory halucinations?

Autistic people are as likely to experience auditory halucinations as neurotypical people. Auditory halucinations are not a characteristic of autism, if an autistic person is experiencing these symptoms it is a sign of a mental health problem and not due to their being autistic.

What are some things you shouldn't say to autistic people?

There are number of things you shouldn't say to an autistic individual. Don't judge them as lazy, antisocial, or selfish or stubborn. Don't say to them "you don't look autistic" or "you seem normal" because they know you think they're lying that they have autism. Most people say people with autism unable to communicate. There are some people with autism who can communicate. Don't say to them "you seem very high-functioned" Verbal autistic individuals can have their struggles also almost as bad as non verbal autistic individual. Don't compare an autistic person as a normal person. There are most autistic individuals that don't want to be compared to normal people.

How differently do they treat autism in America than England?

In short, very differently. In England we have the Autism Act which ensures all Autistic people have a pathway to diagnosis, although there's limited support for Autistic people government staff are supposed to be trained to understand Autistic people, Autistic people don't face healthcare discrimination like in the US where they may be expected to pay more for health insurance, and there are anti-discrimination laws in place. In England we tend to me a lot more accepting of Autistic people. In America there is a lot of scare tactics being used by people like Autism Speaks to make money out of families with Autistic children - Autistic parents are expected to spend thousands and allow their children to be tortured to make them 'normal'. Autistic people can face a lot more discrimination both in terms of employment and healthcare, and generally within society people consider Autistic people to be less than neurotypical people and there are stereotypes about Autistic people being mass shooters or otherwise violent. Often Autistic children are murdered by their parents and there is such a problem of ableism around Autism that people support the murders. I'm Autistic and live in the UK, but I will be moving to the US to live with my Autistic husband - the difference in attitudes between the two countries is as different as chalk and cheese.

How do you get involed with autism speaks?

You wouldn't, not if you cared about Autistic people. Autism Speaks is widely considered a hate group by Autistic people. They use hate speech and propaganda about Autism to increase their profits, very little of their profits go towards helping Autistic people and their families, and instead Autism Speaks support 'curing' Autism which means preventing Autistic people being born. The organization has no Autistic people in their leadership, they refuse to listen to Autistic people who tell them that they are causing harm to the Autism community, they also support anti-vaccination movements, torture of Autistic children, and they sympathize with parents who murder their Autistic children. If you're interested in helping Autistic people a better organisation to get involved with is the Autism Self Advocacy Network - this is run by and for Autistic people and does a lot more to help Autistic people than Autism Speaks ever has. Go to their web site and Facebook page to see what opportunities they have available to work with them or to do fundraising.

Why are autistic adults rude?

Why are neurotypical adults rude? Not all Autistic people are rude, to suggest otherwise is prejudice - often Autistic people are more polite than neurotypical people because they've had social skills training and are more sensitive to social rules than neurotypical people because they have to be in order to pass as neurotypical. Autistic people don't always understand social rules, such as being polite rather than being blunt or honest, this can sometimes come across as rude.

Is there any kind of movie of an Autistic person that outgrew Autism?

I would think not, such a movie would be grossly inaccurate and potentially harmful to the Autistic community. People cannot grow out of being Autistic, it's a neurology so you can no more grow out of it than you could grow out of being born Asian. A film that suggests otherwise would contribute to abuse towards autistic people, already many parents try to force their Autistic children to become or at least act neurotypical, if they believed a person could stop being Autistic (something some view as negative) then they'd be more forceful and with it abusive.

Can autism adults get married?

Yes, of course autistic adults can get married. There are no restrictions on autistic people getting married, as long as they can consent to being married there's no reason for them not to.

Who are autistic children?

Autism is a disability. Its a communication problem making them speak in monotone voices, they have no empathy, have to be taught communication skills and body language skills, because their wiring for communication is damaged or dead. They can sometimes be in a world of their own and have learning difficulties although intelligent. Some autistic people are geniuses who are savants.There are many different types of autism. All autistic people are seen as weird. All autistic people have repetitive behaviors but can be stopped and have obsessions of things but they can't be replaced. There are many different types of autism, some have a phobia of speaking. They are physically normal and for some normally intelligent. They can't help being autistic.