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There is very little helium in air. It's much cheaper to get it from natural gas deposits, where the amount varies but can be as much as 4%.

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Q: Why don't companiesget helium from air?
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Why dont balloons float with human air like when you blow up a balloon it falls to the groud but when helium gets blown into a balloon it floats?

helium is lighter than air

How do helium balloons work?

helium balloons get filled with a amount of air in which is called helium it is used to make balloons float around in air. helium is a inert,gaseous element!!!!!yea i kenisha am smartHelium is less dense than air, therefore a helium-filled balloon will float in air.Helium is lighter that air, so it effectively floats on air. As a helium balloon is submerged in air, it rises upwards (like an air filled bubble in water).

Does a helium and a helium make a hydrogen?

No. they dont

Why does a helium balloom float in air?

Helium is lighter than air. so balloons filled with helium will float in air

How does helium make a balloon rise when air doesn'?

Helium is lighter than air. So helium balloon rises in air.

Helium hydrogen and air are in this state of matter?

Helium, hydrogen, and air are gases.

What objects contain helium?

Helium is generally used in helium balloons and blimps. Helium is lighter than air and these items will float in air

What happen when a balloon is filled with helium?

Helium is lighter than air and a balloon filled with helium may rise up.

Is air heavy than helium?

Yes. air is heavier than helium.

What is helium gas or air?

helium is a gas. air is a bunch of different gasses.

Why does a helium ballooon float in air?

Helium has a lower density than air.

What has more chemicals helium or air?

Air has many more different substances than helium, which is a single substance. Outside air contains helium.