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There is no truth to the statement that gay people don't like bisexuals.

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Q: Why don't gay people like bisexuals is it because they are just in quest of sex and nothing more serious?
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Do gay people hate bisexuals?

It depends on the person, but gay people are more likely NOT to hate because of orientation than straight people.That said, there are some gay people who hate bisexuals and vice versa.

Why do people hate bisexuals?

Some people base their feelings on their understanding of their religion. Some people claim to hate bisexuals in order to deny their own feelings. Some people insist that "bisexuals are just homosexuals who haven't figured it out yet" -- which isn't true. And of course, some people just hate anything they don't understand.

How do bisexuals mate?

There people not beasts, they have sex like heterosexuals.

What is a rainbow turtle?

To me its a turtle who supports gays lesibans transexuals and bisexuals and accepts people for who they are.

What should you do about people that are against gays?

People fear what they do not understand. There is a lot of misinformation about gays, lesbians, and bisexuals being intentionally distributed by people who feel this fear. They think that gays, bisexuals, and lesbians will "corrupt people" and that they molest and/or rape members of the same sex. Some others will use mistranslations from the Bible as an excuse to hate homosexuals, but there arguments don't hold up under close scrutiny. Gays, bisexuals, and lesbians are just normal people with different tastes.

Are there bisexuals?

Yes, there are bisexual people, meaning they are sexually attracted to both the same and opposite sex.

Why are their so many gays and bisexuals?

There really isn't too many actually; gays, lesbians, and bisexuals are a minority to straight people. It could just be that you live in an area were gays, lesbians, and bisexuals are very concentrated for whatever reason, probably just chance.

What does it mean if you are missing your wisdom teeth?

Nothing serious. Some people are fortunate enough to never have them.

What are facts about bicycles?

-they have wheels -they cant carry really fat people -you can fall off of them -bisexuals can ride them

Can people do nothing?

People can't do nothing because if you stay still you are staying still so you are not doing nothing.

How many lesbians are in Toms River New Jersey?

around 4,750 because there are about 95,000 people there about 10% of people are homosexual so that leaves us 9,500 half of those people would be male so 4,750 now if you want to include bisexuals that would get us to about 50% of the population but a lot of them still try to live straight life styles anyways population 95,000 bisexuals and homosexuals 45,000 females 22,500

Why do people tell bisexuals that they have to chose a side?

Because many people don't understand that there is not one unique sexuality, and that there are so many way to love. Love has no gender. When you know who you are, don't let anyone tell you how to be, just be yourself.