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He was a bratty child and hated his cousins. He mocked the children's father for defending Tom Robinson.

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Scout and Jem don't like Francis because he is arrogant, mean-spirited, and makes hurtful comments about their father, Atticus. They perceive him as rude and disrespectful, which creates tension between them.

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Who does scout get in a argument with?

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How is francis related to jem and scout?

Francis is the cousin of Jem and Scout. He is the son of Aunt Alexandra and therefore a relative of the Finch family.

Is Franis a girl or boy in To Kill a Mockingbird?

In "To Kill a Mockingbird," Francis is a boy, who is the cousin of Scout and Jem. He is the son of Aunt Alexandra.

Where does Atticus's family spend Christmas?

Atticus brings Jem and Scout to his sister Alexandra's house. They have always went there for Christmas to spend time with the whole family. Uncle Jack, Aunt Alexandra, Uncle Jimmy and Francis. They are all much different than Scout and Jem because they are very boring and they do not like to play. Unlike Scout and Jem who are up for anything exciting.

What chapter did scout punch jem?

Scout punches Jem in Chapter 9 of "To Kill a Mockingbird" when he destroys her snowman by using mud to make a hat and beard on it. She gets upset and reacts by punching him in the face.

Why does Scout get in trouble at Christmas?

because her cousin Francis calls Atticus a "nigger-lover" and because Atticus told her and Jem to hold their heads high and ignore people who judge them but Scout snapped, and beat up Francis. plus, she was using foul language her uncle didnt like

Who is Francis in kill a mockingbird?

Henry Hancock

What grade are Jem and Scout in?

Jem is in the sixth grade and Scout is in the first grade at the beginning of the novel "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee.

When Scout and Jem made a snowman who did they first intend it to look like?

Scout and Jem initially intended for the snowman to look like Mr. Avery, their neighbor.

What happened to Jem and Scout's mother?

She died of a heart attack when Jem was 2.

in to kill a mockingbird what nickname does Jem call Scout?

Jem calls Scout, Scout... Scout is the nickname. Scout's real name is Jean Louise Finch

Why does Jem sneak out?

Jem decides to sneak out with Scout and Dill to find Atticus. Jem is Scout's brother in To Kill A Mockingbird.