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Many people do this. But doing so is expensive and has requirements, such as:

A relatively clear criminal history

Testing negative for HIV

Paying for the Passport and Visa fees

Being eligible to change status to residential (such as having millions of dollars in assets that you are bringing with you, or a skill that is in short supply in the United States, or by having family ties to citizens of the United States, or by being a likely victim of future Human Rights violations in your home country, et cetera)

The short answer is, they don't do it because we don't let them. We only let in people we want (either as a government or as a citizen).

We do not have open borders in the United States. If you come here illegally or overstay your privilege to be here, you may find it impossible to ever legally enter the country again.

AFAIK, the United States Attorney General can revoke the citizenship of anyone who is not a natural-born citizen at any time.

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Q: Why dont all immigrants just come to the US legally and become U.S. citizens?
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Is Lou Dobbs of CNN anti-Mexican and anti-Latino?

Anyone that watches Lou Dobbs more than occasionally has heard him say repeatedly that he is not anti against any race. He is against ILLEGAL races of all peoples that come here ILLEGALLY . The majority of American CITIZENS are also against (anti) anyone who comes here illegally. It just happens that Mexico is the biggest offender of ILLEGALS, so they are named the most. But we citizens welcome all those who have come here LEGALLY. To all that listen to Lou Dobbs regularly, he has repeatedly said he is Not anti Latino or Mexican immigrants. He has repeatedly said he is ANTI ILLEGAL immigrants, regardless of their race. ILLEGAL is the key word. The majority of U.S. citizens feel the same way. The U.S. takes in legally, more immigrants than any other nation in the world and we citizens welcome LEGAL immigrants. The reason the media always refer to the hispanic illegal immigrants is because there are a lot more of them than other races.

If in the USA legally and deported on a felony can you come back to the US?

You can, but when you are caught, you will do hard time.

Do our natural laws that determine us citizenship meet the needs of today's current us population?

In every generation, immigrants have come to America seeking a better life and more opportunity. Some decide they want to remain and become citizens. To become naturalized requires a number of requirements; some of these include being at least 18 years old, living in the United States legally for at least five years, being of good moral character, showing the ability to speak and read English, and being able to pass a test about US history and government. But there are some people who believe the current immigration laws are not working, since there are a large number of undocumented (called "illegal" by some) immigrants who live here, and many have been here for a long time; yet they are not eligible for citizenship currently, nor are their children, even if the children were brought here unknowingly when they were infants. The debate over whether children of undocumented immigrants should be allowed to become citizens is very contentious, as is the debate over whether undocumented immigrants should be allowed to become citizens or simply deported.

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Immigrants still come to America today for the same reasons as they did in the past. They come for jobs, college, freedom, and the acquisition of rights available to all citizens.

Why did immigrants come to America in the 1600's?

To find work, to become a landowner and have Religous Freedom

When someone is immigrated do they automatically get sent back?

No. The problem is illegal immigration. In many cases, illegal immigrants are sent back, but it is different for each case.What is troublesome to some citizens is that legal immigrants can go through years of effort to become citizens, and there are others who have come to the US illegally and who are arguing that they should be allowed citizenship. There aren't many countries around the world where you can expect citizenship just by crossing the border.

Did Italians go to Ellis Island?

yes, they needed to come through Ellis island to become legal immigrants

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some people born in the unite states thought that foreigners could not learn American ways. and they feared that immigrants might come to outnumber natives. so they prejudice.

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Immigrants come from any part of the world!