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Because the electronegativity of oxygen is about 3.5 and the electronegativity of hydrogen is about 2.5. So, the electrons shared in this polar covalent bond spend more time in the orbitals around oxygen that the orbitals around hydrogen giving the molecule slightly negative and positive ends.

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12y ago
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2w ago

Hydrogen and oxygen atoms do not share electrons equally in a water molecule because oxygen is more electronegative than hydrogen. This causes oxygen to attract electrons more strongly, resulting in a partial negative charge on the oxygen atom and a partial positive charge on the hydrogen atoms. This unequal sharing of electrons creates a polar covalent bond in water molecules.

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11y ago

oxygen is more electronegative than hydrogen

so oxygen pulls the shared paired of electrons towards it.

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13y ago

because it doesnt want to

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Q: Why dont hydrogen and oxygen atoms share electrons equally in a water molecule?
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What kind of charge is found on the oxygen atom of polar water molecule?

In a water molecule, the oxygen atom shares electrons with two hydrogen atoms, but it does not share equally since it has a stronger attraction for electrons than the hydrogen atom does, and the electrons therefore have a greater probability of being close to the oxygen nucleus than to the hydrogen nuclei. As a result, the oxygen atom has a negative charge. The hydrogen atoms are positively charged.

What type of bonds are oxygen and oxygen?

Polar Covalent Bond. This is when a pair of electrons is shared between two atoms in a molecule but the electrons are not equally shared. Because the Oxygen atom has a stronger pull on the electrons than the Hydrogen, the electrons will be more drawn to the Oxygen atom.

How many electrons does a water molecule have?

A water molecule (H2O) has 10 electrons: 2 from each hydrogen atom and 6 from the oxygen atom.

Hydrogen and oxygen are what type of bonds?

Polar Covalent Bond. This is when a pair of electrons is shared between two atoms in a molecule but the electrons are not equally shared. Because the Oxygen atom has a stronger pull on the electrons than the Hydrogen, the electrons will be more drawn to the Oxygen atom.

How many pairs of valence electrons are there on the oxygen atom in the water molecule?

There are 4 valence electrons on the oxygen atom in the water molecule. Oxygen has 6 valence electrons, and in a water molecule, oxygen forms 2 covalent bonds with the hydrogen atoms, sharing 2 of its valence electrons with each hydrogen atom.

What is polarity in a water molecule?

Water molecule is a polar molecule because it has a slightly negative charge on the oxygen atom and slightly positive charges on the hydrogen atoms. This unequal distribution of charge creates a positive and negative pole in the molecule, making it polar.

If electrons in water molecules were equally attracted to hydrogen nuclei as well as oxygen nuclei water molecules would be?

If electrons in water molecules were equally attracted to hydrogen as well as oxygen nuclei, the molecule would be nonpolar. This means the charges would be evenly distributed throughout the molecule, causing it to have no overall charge.

Where would you most likely find shared electrons in a water molecule?

Shared electrons in a water molecule are most likely found in the covalent bonds between the oxygen and hydrogen atoms. In water, the oxygen atom shares electrons with the hydrogen atoms to form two polar covalent bonds.

Which kind of electrical charge is found on oxygen atom of a polar water molecule?

A negative charge that exists because of a covalent bond with hydrogen

What is the bond between the hydrogen atoms of hydrogen gas in which electrons are shared equally?

The bond between the hydrogen atoms in hydrogen gas where electrons are shared equally is a nonpolar covalent bond. In this type of bond, the electrons are shared equally between the two hydrogen atoms, leading to a balanced distribution of charge.

Why does the oxygen in a water molecule have a negative charge?

Oxygen attracts electrons more strongly than hydrogen does.

When hydrogen and oxygen bind to one another the electrons are pulled?

When hydrogen and oxygen bind to form water, the electrons are shared between the hydrogen and oxygen atoms. This sharing creates a stable covalent bond in the water molecule.