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i was reserching this question but it said in Google that the oilets in Australia do not spin backwards.

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Q: Why dont toilets in South America go counter clockwise?
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What is the general motion of surface currents in south of the equator?

counter clockwise

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What is the general motion of surface currents south of the equator?

Counter clockwise

Which way do storms that form north of the equator spin?

hurricanes north of the equtor spin counter clockwise and south is clockwise

North equatorial and south equatorial currents flow in which direction?

The North Equatorial Current flows westward and the South Equatorial Current flows eastward.

112.5 degrees from south?

Depends on wether one counts clockwise or counter-clockwise. Assuming starting at the south point and traveling 112.5 degrees from there one ends up at west-north-west. Going counter-clockwise and traveling "backwards" one ends up at east-north-east.

Do all orbiting celestial bodies have a clockwise orbit and rotation upon their own axis likewise?

No, not all orbiting celestial bodies have a clockwise orbit and rotation. The direction of orbit and rotation can vary depending on the specific body. For example, Venus rotates clockwise on its axis, opposite to most planets in our solar system.

What angle describes a full turn?

The answer depends upon what is meant by a full turn. Traveling north a 90 degree turn counter-clockwise will take you west, clockwise it will take you east. A 180 degree turn (clockwise or counter-clockwise) takes you south and 360 degrees takes you north again.

Are whirlpool directions affected by being north or south of the equator?

I believe so. One spins clockwise and the other spins counter-clockwise, or so I'v heard.

What evidence is there to prove earth rotates counter clockwise?

We know that the Earth rotates west to east (causing the sun to rise in the east and set in the west). And if you look down at the earth from the North pole, it will be rotating counter clockwise. if you look up at the earth from the south pole, then the earth will be rotating clockwise.

Do the stars in the constellation Ursa major appear to rotate clockwise or counterclockwise?

In the Northern Hemisphere, when facing North, towards the Pole Star (Polaris) Ursa Major and surrounding constellations, rotate counter-clockwise (right to left).Turn round to face south (with Polaris behind you) the stars rotate clockwise (left to right).

Describe the direction of wind rotation associated with a low-pressure system forming in south America?

Low pressure spins clockwise in south america. This is because air wants to flow from high to low pressure, but is deflected to the left. This results in a clockwise flow.