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Q: Why during the renaissance women shaved their eyebrows and hairlines?
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What did ancient Egyptian’s do when a pet cat died?

they shaved the cats eyebrows off

What do you do if you shaved your eyebrows?

wait till they grow back... drew them back on .... get fake ones...

You shaved the top of your eyebrows and now little hairs are coming back what do you do?

You can pluck the little hairs

What to do when you shaved your eye browns?

You get eye brow make-up and kind of like paint you\r eyebrows.

How do you make eyebrows partly shaved off grow back thicker?

You could put Vaseline or oil on them at night to help the grow. You can also get special serums that help your eyebrows grow.

Did Egyptians warship cats?

yes, the Egyptians worshiped cats massively, wen a cat died they shaved their eyebrows in grief.

Can you use a glue stick to block out eyebrows?

Have you ever seen anyone used glue stick for their eyebrows?,only dummy's do that. Used a tweaser/shaved or waxes off but don't use glue stick

After shaving how long does it take for your eyebrows to grow back fully?

It should take one month for full regrowth of you eyebrows, continue to use cream on the shaven area till they fully grow back.

What complexion was considered beautiful during the Heian period?

Very white faces. They also thought tiny red mouths were beautiful. They shaved their natural eyebrows and painted fake ones on up higher to be considered beautiful.

What Sweater Girl shaved her eyebrows for the 1938 film The Adventures of Marco Polo only for them to never grow back?

Lana Turner

The mau the only naturally spotted cat breed is from what country whose people once shaved their eyebrows when a cat died?


Does Lily Collins shave her eyebrows once?

Yes she had. She doesn't like her thick eyebrows at first. When she shaved her eyebrows, she saw herself in the mirror and got shy. Even she covered her eyebrow with her shades. On the set of Mirror Mirror, Lily had to have a recoverment for a week. She wanted it to grow back an feel bad of what she did. Luckily, her eyebrows grow back.