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Q: Why equatorial climate does not cover all countries along equator?
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Do countries along the equator have a warmer climate?

yes, they do

What is equatorial climate?

Equatorial climate is hot but wet and is found within 5 degrees either side of the equator. This is due to the angle of the earth facing the sun. The equator is always in the sun so this causes tropical rainforests to grow along it. It rains here every afternoon.

What are three differences between britains climate and equatorial climate?

The United Kingdom has a temperate climate. That means the weather is basically the same all year round, no drastic changes; it does not go from extreme freezing in the winter to blazing hot in the summer. A equatorial climate, is a tropical climate found by the equator. This climate is very humid and has lots of precipitation, and the change in temperature from summer to winter is not that drastic, the change in temperature from day to night is much more drastic. Here are three differences: 1. Temperate climate- usually colder than equatorial climate 2. Temperate climate found north of the Tropic of Cancer, south of Tropic of Capricorn; Equatorial climate found along equator. 3. Temperate climates are drier than equatorial climates.

What is an equatorial satellite?

A satellite in an equatorial orbit flies along the plane of the Earth's equator. If an orbit does not lie at an equatorial orbit, then it will not remain at a fixed state.

What climate zone do temperatures stay mostly constant during the year?

Equatorial Climate, which occurs along the equator. Temperatures stay in the range 27-28C. The Annual Range of Temperature is 1-3C. e.g. Singapore.

Why are the countries lying along or near the equator have tropical or hot climate?

The equator is an imaginary line showing the part of the world where sunlight hits most intensely. Any area near the equator receives more intense sunlight, causing the climate to be hotter.

Is Paraguay located along the equator?

Paraguay is not located along the equator. This is one of the South American countries that are located below the equator.

What countries are not located along the equator Paraguay Angola Kenya Indonesia japan?

There are loads of countries away from the equatorfollow this pageWhat_country_is_not_located_on_the_Equator

Are countries along the equator hot or cold?

Hot & humid!

What is the Equatorial Undercurrent and which direction does it flow?

Equatorial Undercurrent is a subsurface current flowing eastward along the equator. A narrow, swift-flowing ribbon with a thickness of 200 m and a width of at most 400 km, it displays the largest current speeds of the equatorial current system.

What country has a tropical rainforest along the equator?

There are a number of countries which have a tropical rainforest along the equator. Some of them include India, Laos, Malaysia, Guyana and many more.

Is equatorial an adjective?

Yes, it is an adjective for the noun 'equator.' It is used to describe things about the region of the globe nearest the equator, in the tropics. It can also be used for telescope mounts that move both along and perpendicular to the movement of the Earth.