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Q: Why fasting the animal prior to slaughter is important?
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Why are the cattle tortured in Indonesian slaughterhouses?

Because those people who are working at such slaughter houses have no regard for an animal's ability to feel pain. They pay no attention to the animal's well being and think it best to beat the animal to "tenderize the flesh" prior to slaughter. It's undoubtedly very cruel compared with how animals are treated in North American slaughter houses.

How did Swift and Co. create their Swift Proten Beef?

They used a extract from the paw paw fruit that was injected into the animal prior to slaughter.

How the fasting time done when you slaugther chicken?

You do not really need to make the chickens fast prior to slaughter. Fasting allows for an empty crop and digestive system but that is only to limit fecal matter contamination when the body cavity is emptied after plucking. When done properly, the internal organs can be removed completely without contamination. The slaughtered birds need to be thoroughly washed after preparation anyway.

What have the government done to stop mad cow disease?

Prohibit the use of animal by-products in animal feed used for ruminant animals, and encourage testing of the brain and spinal column prior to processing of slaughter. Some plants just throw out the spinal cord and brain all together.

What is a cap-bolt gun?

A captive bolt gun is a device for stunning livestock prior to slaughter. The gun has a rod (the bolt) that is attached so that it can move, but not leave the gun (captive) t is placed against the forehead of the animal and triggered. The animal is instantly rendered unconscious, and may be humanely slaughtered.

I need to define preoperative fasting?

Preoperative fasting refers to the practice of a patient abstaining from fluid intake and oral food for sometime before an operation is performed. The purpose of preoperative fasting is to prevent pulmonary aspiration of stomach contents during general anesthesia.

What did Esther require of her people and of herself prior to pleading and interceding with the king on behalf of her people?

she required 3 days of fasting

How does the age of an animal affect the tenderness of the meat?

It is the activity that toughens the muscles (the part we eat). The older an animal is, the more activity it has done during its lifetime. So, the older it is the tougher it is. The younger the animal the more tender it is.

How much do cows eat before they are taken to the butcher?

Typically they shouldn't be fed anything, save water, for 24 hours prior to slaughter.

Can you eat 12 hours before a fasting blood test?

It is recommended that you avoid food and all liquids except water for a minimum of 8 hours before being tested. Fasting for 10-12 hours prior to the blood draw is preferred.

What best food for fatten up rooosters?

Corn. Most farms feed a strict diet of cracked corn for a few weeks prior to slaughter.

Who is tris prior?

Tris Prior is the most important main character of Divergent.