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Christians sometimes decide to fight Jews because they believe that Jesus was the Messiah and want the Jews to accept him (instead of rejecting everything about him - in a religious context) and believe that unless they do, they will not be able to get into heaven. Also, throughout history, Jews were seen as Christkillers because of the line in the Book of Matthew where Jews take blood-guilt for the killing of Jesus instead of Barabas. Finally Judaism represented the origin that Christianity was trying to distance itself from: the orthopractical, clan-based society (instead of Christianity's orthodoxical, multi-ethnic society).

The Jewish salvation program is to love G-D, fear G-D, and keep his commandments which are outlined in the Torah, or Old Testament, because these laws are eternal, and says "man may not add or diminish from the laws of the Torah" So for a Jew to convert to Christianity and accept Jesus as their savior, not only are they committing idolatry but they are also straying from their biblical heritage, to the commandeer of non-Jews, and in that way pro-longing the coming of the Jewish Messiah (Moshiach Ben David) by not fulfilling what they were commanded by their covenant. They are not gentiles, so they shouldn't leap to gentile faith.

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Q: Why fight the Jews if Jesus was a Jew?
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The Jews do not believe that Jesus is the real Messiah, they are waiting for the messiah to come.

Why is it important for a christian today to remember that Jesus was a Jew?

It's always important to remember that Jesus was a Jew. There are many deceivers and heretics who twist history and God's Word and use both to lay a perverted foundation for anti-Semitism. By remembering Jesus was a Jew, we are reminded that the Jews are God's Chosen People, and that among the Jews, Jesus is God's Chosen Person, the Anointed One, the Messiah. When we recall that Jesus was a product of His heritage, the question then becomes, How can you pick and enjoy the fruit (Jesus) and then disdain and cut down the tree from which it came (the Jews)? Remembering that Jesus was a Jew is a major step in fighting the scourge of anti-Semitism.

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King David was the greatest king of the Jews, and Jesus is from Davids line.

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The criteria extended past just been a Jew. Jesus did not seem to them to be fulfilling the requirements for the Messiah. He challenged many of their beliefs and practices. Many Jews do accept Christ. Also many Jews today have rejected God as well.