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Because Frog and Fish eggs have a low rate of survival, so they lay tons so that there is a higher probability of the eggs reaching maturity.

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Q: Why fish and frog lays hundreds eggs and hen lays one egg?
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When a frog lays hundreds of eggs in a small pod what happens to the population of frogs in the pond Explain why?

When a frog lays hundreds of eggs in a small pond what happens to the population of frogs in the pond

When a frog lays hundreds of eggs in a small what happens to the population of frogs in the pond?

i think that they die

When does the frog lay her eggs?

The frog usually lays her eggs during the rainy season.

How does a Darwin frog reproduce?

lays eggs

How many frogs are hatched at a time?

A frog usually lays its eggs in a jelly-like substance which holds the eggs in a tight cluster. A frog usually lays over 100 to 200 eggs at a time.

How many eggs can a tree frog lay in a year?

A tree frog lays up to 1000-3000 eggs a year.

After a fish lays its eggs after how many days does the eggs hatch?

depends on the fish.

Does a frog lay eggs once a month?

before it dies it lays thousands of eggs

Does a tree frog lay eggs or have live babies?

A tree frog lays eggs. Almost all reptiles lay eggs except for platypus

How many eggs can a glass frog lay?

A glass frog typically lays 2-3 dozen eggs at one time.

Do frogs do external fertilization?

Yes, the frog uses external fertilisation because the frog lays eggs and then the male frog sprinkles jelly stuff on the eggs.

What is a frog eggs called?

to help eggs stick together it is called a slimmy jelly