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Q: Why fluorine is more nonmetallic than chlorine?
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What is more reatice fluorine or chlorine?

Fluorine is more reactive than chlorine.

Is fluorine more reactive than chlorine?


Would fluorine's chemical properties more closely resemble those of oxygen or those of chlorine?

Fluorine is more chemically similar to chlorine than it is to oxygen. Fluorine and chlorine both have 7 valance electrons, whereas oxygen has 6.

Why chlorine is highly reactive than other halogens?

It isn't. Fluorine is more reactive. However, Chlorine is more reactive than Bromine, Iodine and Astatine. It is all to do with molecular size. Fluorine wants to get to a stable 10 electrons to be like Neon more than Chlorine wants to get to get 18 lectrons to be like Argon. This is because the valence/bonding electrons are closer to the nucleus in Fluorine than they are Chlorine and thus more strongly attracted.

Why are bromine and iodine denser than fluorine and chlorine?

theyhave more neutrons and protons

How does fluorine's elecetronegativity compare to the elecetronegativity of oxygen and chlorine?

Fluorine has the highest electronegativity of any element. Its electronegativity is 4. Oxygen has the second highest electronegativity of any element, with an electronegaitivity of 3.5, and chlorine has an electronegativity of 3.16 on the Pauling scale. Note that there is more than one scale for measuring electronegativity. But no matter which scale you use, Fluorine is more electronegative than oxygen, which is more electronegative than chlorine.

Why fluorine is stronger oxidising agent than chlorine?

Oxidising agents gain electrons. Fluorine is a smaller atom than chlorine, so the effective pull of its nucleus is greater.

Why fluorine has a smaller atomic radius than both oxygen and chlorine?

Fluorine has more electronegativity, meaning it is more "desperate" to obtain electrons. Its nucleus is the most attractive of all elements.

Why fluorine has smaller atomic radius than both oxygen and chlorine?

Fluorine has more electronegativity, meaning it is more "desperate" to obtain electrons. Its nucleus is the most attractive of all elements.

What will displace bromine from aqueous calcium bromide?

Something more reactive than bromine. Chlorine or fluorine would do it.

Do fluorine and chlorine have same electron valence configuration?

Both fluorine and chlorine have seven valence electrons. In the case of fluorine they're in n=2 and in the case of fluorine they're in n=3, but other than that they're the same.

Which bond is more polar a phosphorus fcholrine bond or a phosphorus fluorine bond?

The bond between phosphorus and fluorine atoms is more polar than the bond between phosphorus and chlorine atoms.