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err... maybe because the structure of the organs of a frog is most likely the structure & position of organs in a human's body... and frogs are easy to get or buy... and many species are not endangered! :) hopin' this can help!

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Lola Cummings

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2y ago
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11y ago

since the function and the organs found in frogs is similar to the humans, frogs are considered an ideal specimen int he study of zoology.

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Q: Why frogs are considered an ideal specimen in the study of general zoology?
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they are all in the same category

What are their scientific name of the specimen frogs.?

This cannot be answered because YOU know the specimen. The internet does not. Your teacher is asking you to write down the scientific name of the frog you are going to dissect. Look up what species of frog it is and then use Wikipedia to find out its scientific name.

Are tadpoles carnivores?

No tadpoles are not carnivorous as they eat plants. Large frogs are generally considered carnivorous.

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Frogs don't have what is usually considered an ear canal. You can see their ear-drum flat on their head.

Are there any frog that is considered to be a reptile?

No. All frogs are amphibians.

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Frogs eat types of unwanted and even harmful garden pests, preventing the need for chemical pest control solutions. For this reason they are considered ecologically friendly.

Are frogs kosher food?

Frog legs are not considered kosher food.

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African frogs are considered to be scavengers. This means the frog will eat just about anything it can find. This includes insects and plants.

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