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Because girls have evil ways and are sinister hot but sometimes ratched and all kinds of ugly. they are devious. watch ur back. if you are a boy who is reading this and girls mess with you, stay in the area with teachers or have a exit way if they chase you.

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Q: Why girls attack boys in unfair ways?
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6ways. represent boys as<.> girls as</> 1=///..... 2=.///.... 3=..///... 4=...///.. 5=....///. 6=...../// here may be the boys can arranged different ways. 5 boys arranged 5! = 120 ways. In 120 times, each time added girls 6 ways like the above way. so answer is 6*120 = 720 ways we can arrange.

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There are 56 ways.

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6 ways

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Girl and boys are so not the same. They are different in so may ways.

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Not necessarily, or at least not proven. Boys and girls tend to be immature in somewhat different ways, though.

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That is because sometimes boys have different ways or explaining or doing things that might confuse girls.

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Switch Schools.

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From a group of 6 boys and 3 girls an afterschool reading club of 2 boys and 2 girls is selected How many such clubs are possible?

2 boys from 6 = 6*5/2 = 15 ways 2 girls from 3 = 3*2/2 = 3 ways All in all, 15*3 = 45 ways.

Are girls capable like boys?

In many ways, yes; in just a few, no.