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There is still little evidence to support that smoking marijuana causes cancer. And studys that show that smoknig marijuana DOES cause cancer typically also point that the risk is much lower then that of tobacco. This is also balanced by studys that show that marijuana actually has protective effects against lung cancer. basically the difficulty of having true controlled studys of marijuana smokers (especially long term smokers) is hard to do since marijuana is a illegal substance.

Their is often a connection between people who smoke (or have smoked) tobacco and people who have smoke marijuanna making it difficult to distinguish damage to the lung between the two.

Another problem is that the quanitys people ingest often vary greatly. some people who smoke once a week or once a month are obviously going to see different effects then someone who smokes on a daily basis. Also the strentgh of THC in what people are smoking makes a large difference, for instance someone smoking "the good stuff" is going to smoke less to achieve the same effects as someone who is smoknig "ditch weed".

aside from SMOKING marijuana there are also many other ways to get the THC from marijuana into a person, or patients body. From topical sprays, lip balm, and food for example. which, to my knowledge, there has never been any studys to show if any of these ways to ingest have cancer causing properties. This is because smoking is typically the most effective way to get the most bang for your buck....which is very important to do when the drugs people are working hard to obtain are illegal. perhaps if these plants were more readily available people would be more optimistic about smoking it through a vaporizor which has the possibilty of eliminating as high as 99% of the toxins from smoke, but only utilizes atbest about 70% of the potential THC.

It is also intresting to note that the cannabinoids activated in smoking (or ingesting) marijuana exist naturally in large amount in the human body and even in substances such as chocolate.

but to more directly answer your question, cancer patients (as well as AIDS patients and a number of other illness's) often receive marijuana to simply make their quality of life better (the focus of much of medical practice). As well as to reduce certain types of pain (a common use for people suffering from Arthritis and cancer patients as well).

Some strains of marijuana help people get to sleep or to help people stay asleep through a night.

Some strains are used to help people undergoing kimo therapy to help regain their appetite (weight loss being a vary common side effect) as certain strains of marijuana often increase appetite.

Also marijuana often simply puts people in better moods...And as we all know their is scientific backing to the phrase that "laughter is the best medicine" and that doing so can boost immune systems and have other positive effects.

related to this, marijuana when used properlly can help reduce stress and anxiety which holds not only to help mental health but physical health as these 2 things often manifest them in negative ways in the human body. (think about when doctors tell heart attack survivers to avoid stress, or when people have developed shingles from stress or simply become worn down tired and suffer a lowering to the immune system..whic could be a big problem to an AIDS patient.)

While Marijuana is not for everyone, it seems that the positive effects of it far far out weight the potential negative effects for many patients and people in general.

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Q: Why give marijuana to cancer patients if it gives them more cancer?
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No. If marijuana caused cancer they wouldn't give it to cancer patients to save their lives. Marijuana cures cancer.

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How long does it take for a person smoking marijuana to give you cancer?

Smoking marijuana doesn't give you cancer any faster than smoking cigarettes.

Why is marijuana used for cancer?

Depending on the cancer, it is usually prescribed to patients who are suffering from severe pain to ease them; calm them down. This is not recommended to people who have throat cancer or anything of that nature, since MJ gives you an extreme hunger. So if you have diffuculty swallowing things, stay away from the marijuana technique. Also, if you do decide to use this method, make sure to remove the 'stems' and 'seeds,' as they taste bad and will most likely give you a major headache.

What was marijuana used for?

they sometimes give it to cancer patients it soothes & relaxes you... but it can have a bad effect on your health; it makes you crazy. surprisingly though, its effects on your physical health are not as bad as nicotine

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Cancer patients can pretty much eat anything, but that doesnt mean give them some fast food. Give them healthy foods. The problem really is if they have the appetite to eat.

How can you get prescribed for marijuana?

You cannot get a prescription for marijuana here in the US, or in any county in the world. What is called medical marijuana is merely a note from a doctor that allows their patient to purchase marijuana in a legal manner. The note just allows them not to be arrested. It is not a prescription. For it to be a prescription it would have to be a regulated substance by the FDA, and clearly it is not. There are doctors that give their cancer or epilepsy patients a note that makes it legal for them to posses it, but it is not a prescription.

Can marijuana give you cancer?

Statistical analysis suggests that marijuana, unlike tobacco, does not cause cancer. However, inhaling smoke is still not healthy for you, and it can still cause emphysema even if it does not cause cancer.

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excces of sun rays can give you skin cancer.

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lol are you serious... yes it gives you cancer... and aids

How old do you have to be to be legal with marijuana?

oh god you're an idiot. marijuana is illegal for everyone no matter how old. drs do give out scripts for medicinal purposes for mainly cancer patients. i think it is legal in amsterdam. and in most states less than half an oz is a misdimenor so if you are buying then buy a half or less and still don't get caught. lmao you're still an idiot only for certain cancer patients is it distributed to. and only to keep them happy, and to keep them from throwing up there food.