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Globalization is a theory because it helps explain the interconnectedness and interdependence of economies, cultures, and societies worldwide. It is also a process because it involves the increasing flow of goods, services, people, and ideas across national borders, leading to a more integrated and interconnected world. Both aspects, theory and process, work together to shape global interactions and drive changes in the modern world.

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Q: Why globalization is both a theory and a process?
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What is process theories?

Process theories of motivation focus on explaining how motivation occurs through various cognitive, emotional, and behavioral processes. These theories emphasize how individuals decide on and pursue goals, and how they create strategies and action plans to achieve those goals. Examples of process theories include Goal-setting theory, Expectancy theory, and Self-determination theory.

What are the merits of dependecy theory?

Dependency theory highlights how power dynamics between core and periphery countries perpetuate global inequality. It sheds light on how historical exploitation, unequal exchange, and structural barriers hinder the development of peripheral countries. By emphasizing the impact of external influences, dependency theory offers a critical perspective on globalization and calls for more equitable international relations.

What is theory extension?

Theory extension refers to the process of expanding an existing theory by incorporating new concepts, relationships, or perspectives to better explain phenomena. This helps to refine and strengthen the theory's explanatory power and relevance.

What is contemporary organisation theory?

Contemporary organization theory is the study of how organizations operate in today's dynamic and complex environment. It focuses on understanding the behavior of individuals and groups within organizations, as well as how organizations can adapt to changes in technology, globalization, and social trends to remain competitive and effective. Key areas of study include organizational structure, leadership, culture, and decision-making processes.

Who discover Migration Theory?

The Migration Theory was developed by sociologist Everett Lee in the 1960s. Lee's theory explores why people choose to move from one place to another and the factors that influence their decision-making process.

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What is the difference between globalization and integration?

Globalization refers to the interconnectedness and interdependence of economies, cultures, and societies globally. Integration refers to the process of linking individual components or entities to form a unified whole. In the context of globalization, integration often refers to the process of countries or regions coming together through agreements, alliances, or common policies to facilitate global trade and cooperation.

What is the process of conducting business on a global scale is called?

Globalization- Growth to a global or worldwide scale; "the globalization of the communication industry"

The process of conducting business on a global scale is called?


Has historical globalization been a positive force?

Historical globalization has been both positive and negative, depending on a person's opinion.

What is the process called by which the economics and cultures of many nations become integrated and interrelated?

Globalization is the process by which the economy and cultures of many nations become integrated. The rate of globalization has increased due to advances in technology.

What are some of the traditional international trade theories that support the concept of globalization?

No one theory alone can describe the pattern of international trade. Together, the theories of Free Trade, Life-Cycle, Mercantilism, Heckscher0Ohlin, New Trade and Porter's Theory support the concept of globalization.

GlObalization of business and international trade relations?

globalization is a process of free movement of capital labour technology etc

How does the United States illustrate the process of globalization?

The United States illustrates the process of globalization through its reduced trade barriers, improved economic interactions, increased economic ties, and more emphasis on global cooperation.