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Chloroplast thylakoids in plants form stacks referred to as grana. Photosynthesis occurs here.

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Q: Why grana is called kitchen of the cell?
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How can you tell if a producer has chlorophyll?

The cell will have green organelles called chloroplasts. Inside the chloroplasts are thylakoids, which are stacks of discs called grana (singular granum). Chlorophyl is contained in the grana.

Which cell organelles is called kitchen of the cell?

Chloroplast is known as the kitchen of cell not Mitochondria. Chloroplast have a pigment called chlorophyll and they are involved in the photosynthesis of food that's why known as kitchen of cell.

What are the stacks of thylakoids called?

Granum (singular) or grana

What is the function of grana?

photosynethesize the plant cell

What are the spaces between the grana in called?

The space between the inner chloroplast membrane and the grana is called the stroma.

What contains inner membranes arranged in stacks of membranous sacs called grana in a cell?

The chloroplast has individual sacs called thylakoids, which are arranged in stacks called the grana. The space around those stacks, but still inside the chloroplast, is called the stroma.

What are the spaces between the grana in the chloroplast called?

The space between the inner chloroplast membrane and the grana is called the stroma.

What are the stacks of thylakoids found inside chloroplasts called?


Which term refers to a stack of thylakoids?

A stack of thylakoids within the chloroplast is called GRANA

Which organelle acts as the kitchen of the cell?

Chloroplast is known as the kitchen of cell not Mitochondria. Chloroplast have a pigment called chlorophyll and they are involved in the photosynthesis of food that's why known as kitchen of cell.

What does a plant cell has that an animal cell does not?

Chloroplasts (thus grana, photosynthetic pigments etc).

What organelle contains a plant cell's thylakoids stroma and grana and chlorophyll?

Chloroplasts are specialized organelles which contain chlorophyll which absorbs energy from sunlight. The process of photosynthesis takes place in thylakoids which are organized in stacks called grana.