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guns serve both good and bad purposes, criminals get them illegally, and the innocent citizens get them at gun stores and gunshows, and collect them, hunt with them, and defend themselves with them if nescessary (as the Constitution requires us to do), banning the PUBLIC SALE of handguns targets the innocent law abiding citizens, so, with the normal people without guns, the criminals (who will always have illegally imported guns) now have no opposition and no risk of someone refusing to become their victim, and crime will soar through the roof. Just look at Austrailia, Mexico, Japan and the UK, those nation have outlawed guns to the public, and gun crime has gone up 40%.

All gun bans and laws do, is cause crime to go up.

For the same reason any tool shouldn'g be banned. The tool is not the problem. PEOPLE and their BEHAVIOR are the problem.

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Q: Why handguns should not be banned?
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The US should not ban hand guns. A tool is a tool. The user is the problem.

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Don't hold your breath waiting for it to happen. They seem pretty intent on only expanding the items they have banned.

Why should handguns be banned?

They should be banned for two very good reasons, 1, to leave the public unable to defend themselves against gun wielding criminals (who get their guns illegally),and 2, they should also be banned to make gun crimes go up dramatically. Just like Austrailia, the UK, Mexico and Japan has done, they have banned the LEGAL sale of guns to their publics, and the gun crime as a result of that has gone up 40% in the last 2 years. Banning handguns is a very good idea for destroying your country!

Why or why not handguns should be banned?

Hand gun should absolutely not be banned. On the contrary, with all the violent crime, drugs, threats to our nation, we should arm ourselves. Criminals are never going to turn in their handguns, and won't hesitate to use them in the commission of a crime. With proper training and the right gun, you have a better than average chance of surviving a violent attack. You have to remember the 10 commandments of gun safety, which are all over the Internet. Number one will just about cover all accidents. Don't ever point a gun at anything you don't want to shoot

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