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Hands usually goes to sleep because there's something in your position that pinches a nerve/puts too much pressure on your palms. If you're fairly new to riding/doesn't do it daily I'd say that the most probable culprit is that you're trying to ride with the handlebar too low WRT your fitness level - but you can also be using a stem that's too long or a handlebar that's too narrow/wide. Things that can help: # read up on bike fitting. (there are plenty of online sources) Measure yourself, see what the sites recommends in terms of riding position, then adjust your bike to fit. # contact a bike shop that offers bike fitting. If it's a good shop it'll have a weird contraption that allows bar and saddle to be easily adjusted WRT the cranks. Once you're happy you copy down the measurements and adapt your bite to fit the same way # random experimentation. Double-wrap your bars, buy gloves with gel palm inserts. Raise the bar, push the saddle forward. If your feet goes to sleep it's usually either a saddle issue or a shoe issue. Most bike shoes are rather narrow, try finding a model that's wider-than-average. There are some around. If you're still riding with clips and straps - switch to clipless. Saddles are difficult. Initially a soft saddle might sound like a good idea, trouble is that soft stuff tends to flow away from the pressure points and bunch up in places where it can actually hurt you. If you are using one of those gel covers - ditch it. A good bike shop will be able to help you pick the saddle with the best chance of working out for you, but even then it's pretty much down to blind luck and trial & error.

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