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because they have nothing better and cooler to do and they do it to look hard so peoples like "oh yeah, he/shes quite hard and harsh so there cool lets go wi um" but really it just makes you look low and horrible and i certainly would not want to be hanging around with people who is bullies because imagine them bullying people which they do, but thats alright but your going to end up in trouble yourself because they would drag you down as well if they got into trouble so really its just not worth it and imagine what them poor victums are going throught etc like in school if someone was getting bullied she/he had really no friends and gangs and that person kept surrounding her/him while being bullied making them dread to go to school, hatting thereself always putting themselves down, crying them self to sleep, hanging around shcool on there own while peoples lauhing at them while she/he's getting called effencive names... really is that cool enough to make you popular

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11y ago
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9y ago

This is not a new phenomenon. Bullying is actually quite common and has been so for centuries. Humans have a natural instinct to assert social superiority and this often manifests in bullying.

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11y ago

Because bullies have their own personal problems and they don't know how to handle it, so they unleash it out on a student.

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11y ago

Because it is the easiest place to shoot down a child's self esteem in front of other people (mostly to embarrass the bully's victim.

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Not to influence bullying or anything but idiot is a good one. Why so eager to have bullying words that start with "I"?