

Why has my WikiAnswers question not been answered?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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Wiki User

13y ago

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Maybe because no one has searched for your question, or you have not registered your email address with WikiAnswers and so even if it has been answered, it is impossible for you to know until you carry out a search for responses to the actual question that you asked.

Getting an Answer to a Question

After asking a question following a few guidelines such as putting the question in the appropriate category(s) can help to increase the likelihood that those that have knowledge or interest in that type of question will come across it.

Questions that are extremely general in nature may not illicit a response as contributors might be confused as to what exactly the question asks which is one of the reasons a discussion area is provided for each question. Also some people have a tendency to put their question in the answer area or further explain the question in the answer area. This can potentially slow down receiving an answer because some contributors are on the lookout for just unanswered questions and may not see that your question is still in need of receiving a response.

Supervisor's have the ability to feature questions. If you think your question is unique you can message a supervisor about featuring one of your questions. Perhaps one of the supervisors that handle the category that your question is in.

There are possibly tens of thousands of questions that are asked in possibly thousands of categories on a daily basis. Some categories are frequented by more contributors than others. So the factors previously mentioned may have an impact on the speed of which your question gets an answer. Plus other factors may play a role such as if a question is something that is not as commonly known or may require extensive research before being able to be answered properly.

There are possibly less specific ways of getting answers. There is a community forum that is setup for people to chat about this website as well as other topics. It may be possible to meet people with similar interests such as yourself or your question.

Questions get answered by the generosity of those that lend their time and knowledge as you may have done for someone by sharing yours.

Further information can be found at the Help center which is located to the left or by following the link below in the Related Links section.

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WikiAnswers does alert you when a question you asked has been answered. At the home page and on question pages, the bell used for notifications at the top-right of the page will have a red notification box to let you know about questions you've asked that have been answered.

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Because you can't answer a question that has never been asked. Ideally, there there should only be two kinds of questions on WikiAnswers - those that have been answered, and those that will be answered. When a contributor comes across a question that hasn't been answered, and they know (or think they know) the answer, they will put it in. That is how the collection of questions and answers grows.

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"Enter a question here" is the box for you to ask your new question on WikiAnswers, or to ask questions that may have already been asked and answered.

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If your Questions have been answered than wikianswers will send you an email.

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If it does not get answered, you just have to wait. If you do ask again,( which is not recommended) it will not get your answer any faster. If your question was spammed, or just plain nonsense, then your question would have been deleted, and it will never have been answered.

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somebody will answer your question if they know the answer to your question.

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Well, Just like "that" - you just did it! Good Job!

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Currently - the oldest question in the 'Questions about WikiAnswers' section is How did Microsoft impact WikiAnswers- posted on 25th May 2007.