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New moons are being discovered, especially smaller moons, as the observational techniques, and instruments, improve.

New moons are being discovered, especially smaller moons, as the observational techniques, and instruments, improve.

New moons are being discovered, especially smaller moons, as the observational techniques, and instruments, improve.

New moons are being discovered, especially smaller moons, as the observational techniques, and instruments, improve.

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14y ago
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because of the movement that cause it to change formation.

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14y ago

New moons are being discovered, especially smaller moons, as the observational techniques, and instruments, improve.

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The face of the moon doesn't change.

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Why has the number of known moons changed?

It has changed because we have better telescopes and rocket probes to find them.

Does Saturn have most moons?

No, Jupiter has the most number of moons with 63 moons. Saturn is only the second with a number of 61 moons.

The planet having largest number of moons?

In the solar system, Jupiter has the largest number of moons with 39 moons.

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Out of Neptune's 13 moons neither of them have rings.

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The planet Mercury has no moons.

Does the number of moons effect the mass of a planet?

No. The mass of a planet affects the number of moons it has. More massive planets tend to have more moons.

What is the number of moons that orbit around Jupiter?

16 moons

How may moons did Jupiter has?

Jupiter has 67 moons it has the most number of moons in the solar system.

Does Neptune have nine moons?

no, number of known moons on neptune is:11

Which is the planet with the highest number of moons?

Jupiter with 63 moons and counting

What is the number of satellite moons for Jupiter?

there is 36 satellite moons I think.