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The sun is much too hot for any type of material that we have and know on earth. All spacecrafts that we use today will be destroyed if landed or even closely approached the sun.

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Q: Why haven't they landed on the sun?
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How powerfull is the sun?

Really powerful because if the sun landed on us we would burn.

Men who landed on the sun?

No one has ever or will ever land on the Sun, it's too hot.

How quickly would you burn if you landed on the sun?

You'd not even land on the sun; you'd frazzle long before.

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If you landed on the side that faces the sun, it would be extremely hot. If you landed on the side that doesn't face the sun, it would be extremely cold. Also, it would be littered with craters, and would seem very desolate.

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around 94.5 million miles.

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Has any person ever landed on the sun?

No - Firstly, The sun is not a solid object - it is a ball of gas. Second, anything getting that close to the sun would vaporize long before they got there !