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The nature of their anatomy which is why girls are taught to wipe a certain way.

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Q: Why human females are more apt than male a urinary infection?
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Is female human urine more acidic than male?

Yes, female urine is more acidic because the female's urinary tract is shorter, therefor is more prone to infection then the males. The body naturally solves this issue with more acidic urine for females

Do you have to be or male or a female to get kidney disease?

It is much easier for a female to catch a kidney infection. The human body has a host of bactiria, yeast and fungus on it. Just the difference in anatomy makes it more common. In order for a male to get a kidney infection(or bladder infection). Usually he will contract a urinary tract infection by bactaria entering the urethra. The mainreason it is harder for men is the size of the urethra in a male is narrower and much harder for the bactaria to travel thru compaired to a female.Kidney disease does not discriminate against either sex. It can affect male of female. It is true that females due get infections easier.

The study of the urinary organs in females and the urinary and sex organs in males is?

urology, urosexology in female and urology, sexology, urosexology in male

Can the presence of puss cells in urine of male and female reduce the chance of pregnancy?

Although the urinary opening -- called the urethra -- is on the end of the penis males and above the vaginal opening in females, the urinary system has nothing whatsoever to do with the reproductive system. If urine has "pus" (which can only be confirm by microscopic lab testing), it generally means there is a urinary infection. A urinary infection does not affect fertility in any way, ever (unless the persons are too tired from the infection to be interested in sex!).

What does a urinary tract infection look like on a male?

One cannot "see" a urinary tract infection, a person can only feel it, and must see a physician for a prescription for antibiotics.

Urinary tract nfection?

A urinary tract infection also called a UTI, is an infection that occurs in the urinary tract of either a female or male. They are much more common in women. A person can get a UTI if bacteria get into the urinary tract. The infection usually begins in the bladder and travels down from there. Symptoms include painful urination, lower belly pain, cloudy urine, and possible nausea.

Hurts to pee 60years old male?

Urinary tract infection. Go see you GP.

Do the male and female have the same urinary system?

surprisingly, no. You see, males have different body parts, so obviously they don't have the same urinary systems as us females.

Why are women more prone to bladder infections than men?

Urinary tract infections are more common in females because the female urinary tract is much closer to the outer layers of the skin than would be in a male. The UTI is close to the vagina and rectum making it more susceptible to infection caused by waste excreted from the body. Student Nurse

Can an infected male pass urinary infection to female even when using condom?

it is not supposed to with the proper use of the condom. Sometimes female urinary infections does not have to do with their sexual activities.

What does it mean if a male burned once during peeing?

You may have a urinary tract infection or yeast infection. You may take over the counter cranberry capsules or tablets or even cranberry juice for the urinary tract infection. For the yeast infection you should see a doctor. Either way, see a doctor.

Why are females more prone to cystitis than males?

The length of female urethra is very much short as compared to male urethra. So infection can be more easily introduced from out side, to urinary bladder. The source of infection is very close, that is faecal matter. You can have millions of bacteria in very small amount of faecal matter.