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It is much easier for a female to catch a kidney infection. The human body has a host of bactiria, yeast and fungus on it. Just the difference in anatomy makes it more common. In order for a male to get a kidney infection(or bladder infection). Usually he will contract a urinary tract infection by bactaria entering the urethra. The mainreason it is harder for men is the size of the urethra in a male is narrower and much harder for the bactaria to travel thru compaired to a female.

Kidney disease does not discriminate against either sex. It can affect male of female. It is true that females due get infections easier.

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Q: Do you have to be or male or a female to get kidney disease?
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Sexually transmitted diseases can be passed from an infected male to an uninfected female. Any contagious disease can be transferred from male to female.

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Glomerular kidney disease-- Disease of the kidney that affects the glomeruli, the part of the kidney that filters certain substances out of the blood.

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Tubular kidney disease-- Disease of the kidney that affect the tubules, the part of the kidney that allows certain substances to be reabsorbed back into the blood

Is this only for female or a male man can also suffer from this disease?

What disease? You have to be more specific. If it's a venerial disease both men and women can get them.

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The Gonads are organs in animals that produce sex cells: ovaries in the female, testes in the male.

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He has Gentic Kindney Disease

What is Kinney disease?

Kidney disease is a abnormal condition of the kidneys. This can be something like kidney stones or a kidney infection.

What happens if a women pees blood?

If you are a female, it means you might have your period, but if you are female or male you might have kidney disease. If you think you might have kidney disease, contact a docter right away. The main causes of kidney disease are drinking alcohol or a low blood supply. the main symptoms of Kidney disease areDecreased urine productionBody swellingProblems concentratingConfusionFatigueLethargyNausea, vomitingDiarrheaAbdominal painMetallic taste in the mouth