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Q: Why humus is called colloidal substance?
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What is a substance with particles too large to dissolve called?

A colloid is a mixture in which one substance is divided into minute particles (called colloidal particles) and dispersed throughout a second substance. The mixture they form is called a colloidal dispersion. A colloidal dispersion consists of colloids in a dispersing medium. It doesn't have to be liquid.

What is colloidal nature?

A substance with colloidal nature is a substance microscopically dispersed throughout another substance, Colloidal suspensions are the subject of interface and colloid science. This field of study was introduced in 1861 by Scottish scientist Thomas Graham.

Why does soil horizon A have the most Humus?

The Fertile soil contains lots of microorganisms which decompose the complex dead bodies of animals and plants into simpler substance called Humus.

Why does water and cornstarch become a colloidal substance?

because something too complicated to explain to simple minds happens and it makes a colloidal substance.

What happens when you shine a light through a fog what is this called and why does it happen?

The fog is called a colloidal solution. When light is shined through this colloidal solution, the light scatters in all direction because of the substance contained in this solution type.

Decaying plant and animal matter is called?

the decaying matter in soil is called humus.

What is colloidal protein?

A colloid is a substance which contains insoluble particles suspended in it. Colloidal protein is as such a substance with proteins dispersed through something like blood or interstitial fluid.

What is Increased colloidal oncotic pressure?

colloidal oncotic pressure is also called colloidal osmotic pressure which is exerted by the proteins...proteins are also called colloids

The decayed plant and animal material in the soil?

It is called humus.

What is protoplast and spheroplast?

a protoplast is aliving substance of the cell. it has the same consistency with that of the egg and is a colloidal substance with a sol-gel manner.

Organic matter in soil is also called .?

The formation of complex organic matter in soil is called Humus

What is the decaying organic substance that made organic substance that makes topsoil nutrient rich and is essential for plant growth?
