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Because they are two physically different, albeit closely-related chemical compositions:

Hydrochloric acid is what is generally used as a strong acid in industry and retail for use in Swimming Pools. It is an aqueous solution of HCl, which is a strong acid and therefore dissolves fully in the solvent (water) existing as it's constituent ions H+ and Cl-, separated and interacting with the very polar water molecules. Hydrochloric acid cannot be simply dried/evaporated to create Hydrogen Chloride.

Hydrogen Chloride is the anhydrous form of the molecule HCl as a ionic molecule. It is sometimes referred to as dry HCl or HCl(g), since there is no solvent present and at STP it exists as a gas. This Hydrogen Chloride can be simply bubbled through water to produce Hydrochloric acid. The reverse transformation is not possible, instead a chemical reaction must be used to create Hydrogen Chloride from various reagents (such as Sulfuric acid and Sodium Chloride)

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Q: Why hydrochloric acid and hydrogen chloride gas have different names?
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Hydrogen chloride is also know as hydrochloric acid, or muriatic acid, when in solution.

What names do you give chloride?

Chlorides are salts of hydrochloric acid.

Eating muriatic should be fatal?

HCl - The correct names are hydrogen chloride or hydrochloric acid.Depending upon concentration and volume ingested. But HCl is very corrosive and therefore dangerous.

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In the stomach there is Gastric Acid which is composed of some other chemicals. Sodium Chloride (NaCl), Potassium Chloride (KCl), and even small amounts of Hydrogen Chloride (HCl or hydrochloric acid). See the related links for further information.

What is formed when metal reacts with acid?

Product will be metal salt and hydrogen Ex.) Hydrochloric acid and zinc ---> zinc chloride and hydrogen 2HCl + Zn ---> ZnCl2 + H2 Sulphuric acid + magnesium ---> magnesium sulphate and hydrogen H2SO4 + Mg ---> MgSO4 + H2 Ethanoic acid and calcium ---> calcium ethanoate and hydrogen (Acetic acid and calcium ---> calcium acetate and hydrogen , using the older names) 2CH3COOH + Ca---> Ca(OOCCH3)2 + H2

How is the name sodium chloride different from the names of the elements in it?

That when you pass it to a compound the ending of a word changes fromine (chlorine) to ide (chloride).

What element's 3 isotopes have different names?

hydrogen, deuterium, and tritium.

What is the fomula for hydrosulfuric acid?

Hydrosulfuric acid is H2S. H2S (aq) (H2SO4 is sulfuric acid). The acids with "hydro" at the start of their names are all derived from dissolved gases, e.g. hydrochloric acid is aqueous hydrogen chloride, hydrocyanic acid is aqueous hydrogen cyanide etc.

Why should calcium chloride manufacturers use more concentrated acid?

Calcium chloride can be made from limestone and hydrochloric acid, and if you do it that way you want concentrated acid to make the process run faster.

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Oxygen, hydrogen, helium, carbon dioxide, methane, lithium

What other names does hydrochloric acid go by?

muratic acid