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Because of one factor ie,high vascularity and endometrial thickness

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Q: Why implantation of zygote occur in upper posterior wall of uterus?
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Where in the uterus does implantation occur?

Wherever the zygote lands and burrows in.

Where does implantation of a fertilized egg occur?

The Uterus

Where does implantation occur in the female reproductive system?

Implantation occurs in the uterus of the female reproductive system. The embryo then develops in the uterus.

Where does implantation in the human body occur?

It occurs in uterus.

What part of the uterus does implantation and placentation occur?

in either right or left sides of the uterus.

Where in the body does implantation occur?

implantation occurs in the womb and is the very early stage of pregnancy at which the embryo adheres to the wall of the uterus.

Why does a female no longer need a thick uterus lining if fertilization doesn't occur?

The thick lining is prepared by the nature,so that implantation of the zygote should be possible. If there is no fertilization, then this lining is shed away. You have fresh lining for the next month. After all generation next is very much important for the nature.

Where does the implantation occur?

It occurs inside the uterus,the egg attempts to cling, or "implant" itself onto the uterine lining. Hope this helps you. :)

Where and how does normal fertilization and implantation occur?

Fertilisation occurs in the fallopian tube (aka oviduct/ uterine tube). Implantation occurs in the uterus (aka womb).If the zygote (fetilised egg) were to implant itself away from the uterus, it would be classified as an ectopic pregnancy and the potential mother would have to go through an abortion or she would die. The only environment suitable for a zygote to develop into a fetus and then a baby is the uterus, no where else.The zygote will then go through a series of mitotic divisions called cleavage. It will then form a morula, then a blastocyst (still floating in the uterus). Its zona pellucida will break down to form the inner cell mass which is surrounded by trophoblast. The trophoblast would then expose itself to adhesive molecule that will allow it to implant into the endometrial wall tissue of the uterus. The trophoblast will secrete digestive enzymes to borrow itself into the tissue. It will differentiate to cytotrohoblast and syncitiotrophoblast (outer). The syncitiotrophoblast will destroy cells and the trophoblast will use the nutrients and oxygen to begin placental formation.The chances of this happening is small because 2/3 of all zygotes do not implant itself into the uterus and spontaneously abort.

What exactly is implantation bleeding when does it occur and how much blood should be expected?

Implantation bleeding is when the fertilised egg implants in the lining of the uterus. It generally occurs when your period would be and is not much blood - hardly enough to wear a pantyliner

What prepares the uterus for a possible ovulation and implantation?

A complex interaction between the pituitary gland in the brain, the ovaries and the uterus work to create the perfect environment for ovulation (the release of an egg) to occur, for the sperm and egg to meet and for the fertilised egg to implant itself in the uterus.

How soon does the implantation period begin?

As soon as the egg is fertilized it begins to travel down to the uterus, this can occur about 12-36 hours after ovulation. Then actual implantation can be between 7 and 11 days after ovulation. answer its not a period its a tiny weeny bit of blood