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Because in some colonies, they desired to keep their own religion in their own pure form, and didn't desire to tolerate other religions within their own community.

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Q: Why in some colonies was religious freedom the key to development but denied in other colonies?
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Calvanists were denied religious freedoms due to religious politics. In sixteenth century England, the church of England broke away from the pope's authority during the English Reformation.

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The slaves' freedom was denied by the concept that slaves were property, not human beings, and all human beings are free, but not property, so slaves were denied freedom due to the concept that slaves were property, not people.

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The right of religious freedom was the major reason for the migration of the Puritans to the New World. They were seeking a complete break from any remaining influence of Roman Catholicism. In an interesting turn-about, many of those religious refugees piously and actively denied religious freedom to others, especially the Quakers who were severely persecuted. Puritanism did not prevail and many other religious groups were active by the early 1700s.

Which rights spurred people to settle in America?

The right of religious freedom was the major reason for the migration of the Puritans to the New World. They were seeking a complete break from any remaining influence of Roman Catholicism. In an interesting turn-about, many of those religious refugees piously and actively denied religious freedom to others, especially the Quakers who were severely persecuted. Puritanism did not prevail and many other religious groups were active by the early 1700s.

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yes if you cant talk

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Black men and women.

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The Freedom of Speech.

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Douglass feels cheated because he is denied the opportunity to learn to read and write, which he views as essential for freedom and personal development. He believes that by being deprived of education, he is being kept in a state of mental bondage.

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Pilgrims had conflicts with anyone who wasn't them. They had conflicts with the Church of England. They, eventually, had conflicts with the Native Americans. They demanded Religious Freedom for themselves but denied it to Quakers and others wth whom they disagreed.

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Whose lawsuit for freedom was denied by the supreme court?

Dred Scott