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Q: Why is 1513 significant a year in American history?
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Why was 1513 significant year in the history of Florida?

Because this dude grew a beard and became friends with a moose.

Why was 1513 a significant year for the history of Florida?

juan ponce de leon, a spanish explorer, discovered Florida at Easter

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It was the year the United States declared independence from Great Britain.

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The year 1513.

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The year 1808 marks a significant time period in American history. It was the year that ended the African slave trade. James Madison was also elected as President.

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This was the year that Texas gained their independence from Mexico.

What did you pay with in the year 1513?

In 1513, civilizations didnt have currency. They used the barter method of trading to pay for items they needed.

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in year of 1513

What was the fashion in the year of 1513?

In the year 1513 the fashion for women was these huge dresses and the fashion for men was tights and puffy capri like pants over them. Well, at least i think that what it was.

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