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Because there was so much change taking place in the world that year or events. Like assassinations of Robert Kennedy, Martin Luther King Jr.. The realization that the govt was lying to us about winning the Vietnam War, and the various movements taking place such as Aim, the Chicano movement , gay rights movement . Basically a lot of change taking place in the U.S. and in France.

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Q: Why is 1968 called a watershed year?
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Is water always abundant in a watershed region?

Some parts of a river's watershed may provide a steady flow replenished by groundwater or frequent rain, while other rivers receive water from their watershed region only during intense storms or from the melting of snow and glaciers each spring. A river which flows year-round with water from an abundant watershed is called a perennial river and a river flowing only during part of the year is called an ephemeral river.

What is New Yorks watershed called?

New York's water is supplied by two different watersheds, the Catskill-Delaware Watershed, and the Croton Watershed.

What is an underground watershed called?

Its called an aquifer people

What is watershed year?

Watershed means a time or event that marks a change of course, a division. It's a turning point. So a watershed year is when something major happened to change the course of things. For example 2001 is a watershed year as things changed drastically when the US was attacked on their own soil fir the first time in 60 years, and it changed the way we handle national security, travel, privacy and our civil rights.Another example is the 1960s: a watershed decade for civil rights.

Why is the 9 o'clock watershed called the watershed?

because no one can pour water in a shed after a certain time before 9pm in the british isles. FACT.

What is watershed in a sentence?

A watershed is also called a drainage basin. An example of a sentence using the word "watershed" is "The watershed north of the Laurentian Divide drains into Hudson Bay and the Arctic Ocean, whereas the watershed south of the Laurentian Divide drains into the Great Lakes and the Atlantic Ocean. "

What is an area of land that drains into a specificriver called?


All of the land drained by a stream and its tribularies is called a?


What is a ridge of land separating river systems called?


The area where water drains into a river is called?

the area from which water drains into a river is called the river's catchment. A river's watershed is the connecting ridges surrounding the watershed, and separating it from adjacent ones.

What land area supplies water to a river system?

The catchment is the correct answer. Commonly folk say 'watershed' but the watershed is the boundary (ridges etc) of the catchment.

What is a nested watershed?

A nested watershed is simply a watershed within a watershed. An example might be the Platte River watershed which is a nested watershed within the Missouri River watershed which in turn is nested within the Mississippi River watershed.