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Q: Why is 1989 so significant to European history?
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Why is the European culture so widespread in the world today?

European countries ruled so many other countries of the world

What is the most interesting part of the history?

That is a personal question because everyone finds a different part of history interesting, European History, War, Art, Literature, Music, Slavery, Revolution, Execution and Genocide. It all depends, personally I find European History not only very hypocritical but also very interesting, they look at the rest of the world as savage and yet if you look at their twisted past they shouldn't be talking, people in glass houses you know. But then again I may be partial to Euro history because I had a GREAT AP Euro teacher who made it so incredibly fascinating that I couldn't help but love it.

How did European farmers contridute to the success of farming on the great plains?

European farmers played a significant role in the success of farming on the Great Plains. They brought with them new agricultural techniques and technology, such as improved plows and machinery. They also introduced new crops that thrived in the region's soil and climate, such as wheat. Additionally, European immigrants established successful farming communities and shared their knowledge and experiences with other settlers, contributing to the overall growth and development of agriculture on the Great Plains.

What Bill Gates did that was so important to history?

he created microsoft.

What is meant by eastern and western world?

The east is normally defined as Asian, Arab or Oriental. The west is best described as European, North American and South American. Australia would be considered western while Africa is not considered either. So, you see, it is less about geography and more about culture, history and socioeconomic tendencies.

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The Western and Eastern Churches excommunicated each other.

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There have been thousands of years of European history, so it would be impossible to answer this question.

What is the importance of European history?

So that we can learn from our mistakes.... "those who do not study history are doomed to repeat it...."

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How did Clovis change European history?

binbos rule so suck it

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because no european explore went to utah.

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Because it was the first form of writing in Human history.

What was the beatles song sgt peppers significant to?

The song itself has no meaning, but it is significant to both musical history and world history, having both revolutionized the genre of Rock and Roll, as well as igniting the so-called "Summer of Love" in 1967.

Is the Atomic Bomb the most significant invention in the history of weapons of mass destruction?

Yes, I would say so.

Why are concentration camps so significant to history?

the main tragedy people are aware of in the holocaust, many jews were killed in them

Is it true that the significant lunar and solar eclipses correlate with significant moments in Jewish history?

No, I don't think so. Maybe what you are referring to is that every 28 years, when the sun goes back into it's position during creation, and it is the day before Pesach (Passover), there have been significant events in our history when they correspond.