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Q: Why is A metal with a lower valency is more likely to dissolve in one which has a higher valency?
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What are the four Hume-Rothery rules for the solid solubility of one element in another?

If a solute differs in its atomic size by more than about 15% from the host, then it is likely to have a low solubility in that metal. The size factor is said to be unfavourable.If a solute has a large difference in electronegativity (or electropositivity) when compared with the host, then it is more likely to form a compound. Its solibility in the host would therefore be limited.A metal with a lower valency is more likely to dissolve in one which has a higher valency, than vice versa.

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Solids dissolve in water of a higher or lower temperature depending on what the solid actually is.

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PH levels indicate how acidic or basic a substance is. A pH lower than 7 is acidic and higher than 7 is basic. Since acids dissolve tooth enamel, I would say that substance with lower pHs are more likely to lead to tooth decay.

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Because here nitrogen has a lower valency of 1

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Why aniline dissolve in alcohol but not dissolve in water?

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Electronsflow from areas of lower to higher voltage, while Current flow from areas higher to lower voltage.

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Digestive enzymes are the oozings that bladderwort plants use to dissolve bugs. The carnivorous plants in question (Utricaria spp) employ aminopeptidase and phosphatase in higher or lower levels with higher or lower pH readings according to ecosystems and to species. For example, trap fluid pH may range from an acidic 4.1 to an alkaline 7.3, and phosphatase tends to predominate among European species.