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It means the control or governing influence of a nation over a dependent country, territory, or people. Britain controlled India in the form of a colony

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Q: Why is British period in India referred to as colonial?
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The colonial administration in India was controlled by the British Empire. The British appointed leaders that were usually not the choice of the people.

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Partially. The French had land claims in India from 1759-1954. Although India is not generally grouped with the French Empire, but rather the British Empire.

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Ostensibly around the same timeframe as Kipling's life, in India during the British colonial period.

What type of colonial rule did British have on India?

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When did colonial India end?

British India: August 1947 French India: November 1954 Portuguese India: December 1961

When was India released from British control?

India gained their independence from British Colonial rule in the year of 1947, which was around the beginning of the Cold War.

Did Winston churchill go to India?

Yes, when the British were fighting colonial wars in India. He saved several lives.

Which aspect of life in India demonstrates the influence of the British colonial period?

Almost all aspects of life are influenced by British. Whether it is education, government, administration, etc., except corruption and crimes against women, which are Indian in origin.

Why is the period referred to as the golden age of India?

it was a time of peace and prosperity