

Why is DNA technology useful?

Updated: 9/26/2023
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Q: Why is DNA technology useful?
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Why cleavage of DNA is done in recombinant DNA technology?

Recombinant DNA technology is the most emerging technique for the production of DNA for the useful bio-materials like insulin. So to produce recombinant DNA two different DNA is rejoined. so cleavage is done to extract the desired DNA and then joined again.

Why restriction enzyme is also called endonuclease enzyme?

Because these enzymes cut the DNA molecule at a particular site. But like scissors these are useful tools in genetic engineering or recombinant DNA technology.

What is difference between recombinant DNA technology and Polymerase chain reaction?

r DNA technology is technology of creating new combination of DNA. While pcr is one of techniques used in r DNA technology for amplification of perticuler DNA fragment

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DNA Plant Technology ended in 2002.

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Wind is useful in technology because it can create energy.

What is used to make many copies of DNA?

Recombinant DNA technology PCR

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Recombinant DNA technology

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How does DNA technology transfer bacteria genes from cell to cell?

DNA technology will transfer bacteria genes from cell to cell.

What career combines DNA technology and medicine?

Pharmaceuticals combine DNA technology and medicine.

Is science and technology useful?

yes, because how will they make computers? and how will they purify the water from injuries. that is why science and technology are useful

What is the substance required to cleave the vector DNA during recombinant DNA technology?

A restriction enzyme, also called a restriction endonuclease, is needed to cleave vector DNA when using recombinant DNA technology.