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Nice is a popular sea resort on the Mediterranean Sea and was also popular among English travellers for its very mild climate in winter. The road alongside the sea, which was only a thoroughfrare for the locals, was used as a place to stroll by the English spending time in Nice and gained its name for that reason.

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Q: Why is Promenade Des anglais called Promenade Des anglais and was it made for or by the English?
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Is the English channel man made?

What the fudge...

Was the movie El Mariachi ever made or translated in English?


How many English prince of tennis episodes are there?

They only made 50 English prince of tennis English dubbed videos u can watch all 50 on

What were the cabins on titanic called that were higher than 1 class?

Nothing exists higher than first class, but you may be thinking of the Titanic's two suite cabins (as depicted in James Cameron's Titanic as Rose's cabin). These were still first class, but they were the fanciest cabins you could purchase. They were made of a series of rooms, including two bedrooms, sitting room, wardrobe, writing room, washroom, and even a private promenade deck. These were located on B-Deck around the middle of the ship.

Will Naruto Shippuden the game come out in the US?

eventually, once the English naruto catches up with shippuden. there was a japenese shippuden game but the maker thought that English naruto fans wouldn't know teenage naruto or all the new characters, so he made the game with the episodes the English naruto is on and made the events match up with those episodeseventually, once the English naruto catches up with shippuden. there was a japenese shippuden game but the maker thought that English naruto fans wouldn't know teenage naruto or all the new characters, so he made the game with the episodes the English naruto is on and made the events match up with those episodesYes. There is.

Related questions

Who made the cor anglais?

- The term cor anglais is French for English horn, but the instrument is neither English nor a horn. - The reed in the cor anglais doesn't use a cork but is put straight into the bocal.

When was the song pictures at an exhibition Promenade by Mussorgsky made?

i believe it was 1874

What year was the ghetto blaster made?

1924 - Although then it was called a "promenade pumper" or "side-walk boomer", these slang terms being more popular than its technical name "gramophone" .

What is thaska called in English?

I don't think it has exact synonym in English. But one can use 'choke'. For ex.: Drinking fast made him choke.

British colonization of Jamaica?

The Spanish (Christoper Columbus) discovered it in 1494 and the English fought for the island in 1644 and made it English Colony and was called a the jewel in the English Crown because it made money for the English plantation owners and laborers in Bristol and other Port cities

What is the name of the special drink made with milk that English people drink at Christmas?

It is called eggnog.

What rhymes with renegades?

arcade, blade, blockade, brigade, brocade, cascade, crusade, decade, degrade, dissuade, evade, grade, granade, handmade, invade, jade, lemonade, masquerade, made, parade, persuade, promenade, (re)made, serenade, shade, slade, trade, spade, unmade, upgrade, lemonade, masquerade, promenade, serenade (and several words [mostly adjectives, and verbal forms] ending by "aid" or "ayed".

What is called Papad in english?

Papad is called a "papadum" in English. It is a thin, crisp disc-shaped food typically made from a seasoned dough of lentils, chickpea flour, rice, or potato.

What did an Irishman called Thomas Blood try to do that made him famous in 1671?

Steal the English crown jewels.

What is B flat called in German musical notation?

It is called B. The english B is called H. The origin of this supposedly was a copying error (handwritten) which made an h out of a b.

What are the raw materials of woollen clothes?

Woolen (American English) or woollen (Commonwealth English) is a type of yarn made from carded wool.It has nothing to do with fleeces. Clothing made from fleeces is called "Fleece".

What was one improvement they made on the Titanic?

Thomas Andrews, using Olympic as a template, made many enhancements on Titanic. A prime example is adding an enclosure on the promenade deck because people remarked that they were getting too much spray on Olympic.