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Seward Alaska was named for the man who bought, William Henry Seward. William Henry Seward was a lawyer and politician from New York during the Civil War. In 1867, while serving as Secretary of State under Andrew Johnson, Seward bought Alaska from Russia.

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Q: Why is Seward Alaska called Seward?
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This is what the people of the US called Sewrd's purchase of Alaska because they thought it was a mistake?

The purchase of Alaska was called "Seward's Folly," or Seward's Icebox." The purchase of Alaska was called "Seward's Folly," or Seward's Icebox."

What was the purchase of Alaska for 7200000 dollars called by Americans?

Alaska Purchase is the correct name, but to Seward's opponents in was called Seward's Folly.

What was Alaska's nickname when it was purchased?

Some called it Seward's Folly and others called it Johnson's icebox thinking that it was useless and would never be worth anything.

Which American state was originally called Seward's Folly?

Alaska was called Seward's Folly.

What did William seward do in 1867 that was called seward's folly?

he bought Alaska

What did Newspapers call Alaska?

Newspapers referred to Alaska as "Seward's Folly" or "Seward's Icebox" after U.S. Secretary of State William H. Seward who negotiated the purchase of Alaska from Russia in 1867.

How did Alaska get called seward folly?


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Why did newspapers call Alaska Seward's Folly and Johnson's Icebox?

William Seward was the Secretary of States that negotiated the Alaska purchase treaty. Those who called it Seward's folly or Seward's icebox thought Alaska was a bad investment of tax-payers' money.

What is the nickname given to the purchace of Alaska by Secretary of State William Seward?

It was called Seward's Folly and Johnson's Icebox.

What is the name of the Russian who purchased Alaska?

Vitus Bering discovered Alaska, however, US Secretary Seward purchased Alaska under president Lincoln, often called Seward's Folly Alaska was purchased for a penny an acre.

What is the distance from Seward to Kodiak island Alaska?

In a streight line, what is the distance from Seward Alaska to Kodiak Alaska