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Bit (b) and Byte (B) is entirely different. Bit is the smallest storage unit in computer science.

8 Bit (8b) = 1 Byte (1B)

In normal working, when you press any key, it covers atleast 1 Byte of space. Means if you will type ABC, it will cover 3B, so that we consider byte as a smallest unit of useful data.

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Q: Why is a byte the smallest bit of useful data?
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Is a bit the smallest unit of data a digital computer can recognize?

Bit "A bit is the smallest unit of data that a binary computer can recognize." Morley, Deborah (2010-02-09). Understanding Computers (Page 52). South-Western. Kindle Edition.

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Bit, byte, character, record, field, tile, database.

What do bytes take the form of?

A byte (in computer terminology) is equal to 8 bits. A bit is a single binary number (0 or 1). Therefore a byte takes the form of 8 of the smallest pieces of data stored by a computer.

Is a bit the smallest ussage of data?

Yes. A bit is the smallest unit of data.

Is a milbit the smallest?

The smallest data size is the bit, which is either a 1 or a 0, a yes or a no 8 bits make a byte, 1024 bytes to a kilobyte, 1024kb in a megabyte, and so on and so forth

What is the minimum amount of data a computer can hold?

Theoretically, the smallest amount of data a binary computer can hold is one bit (an eighth of a byte. it can only hold two states: 1 or 0.)

How bit and byte are related?

Bit is the smallest unit of data. A byte consists of 8 bits. Simple as that=)Open in Google Docs ViewerOpen link in new tabOpen link in new windowOpen link in new incognito windowDownload fileCopy link addressEdit PDF File on

Are bits in a byte?

if u bit a dik it past if u byte a dik its present tense.

What is the bit stuffing and why you go for byte stuffing?

in bit stuffing we use data in bits !! in byte stuffing we use char !! thus in byte stuffing first char and converted in binary form and then bit stuffing is applied on it

In memory what is a byte?

A byte is a group of 8 bits of computer data. A bit represents either a 0 or a 1.