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An artery in the body is like the highway where veins are the main street's. In an artery there is much more volume of blood being moved at a faster speed. It carries more blood because it is bigger then a vein. If you cut a vein the volume of blood loss would be less because of the size limiting the flow. If the femoral artery was cut the blood loss would come out much faster and be much more serious. You could expel all of your blood in a matter of minutes before a life squad could get to the scene.

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Q: Why is a cut artery more serious than a cut vein?
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Is Artery more thicker than vein?

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Because there is more pressure on the artery wall (from the heart) than that of the vein.

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Yes, because there is more pressure in the artery than in the vein so the artery has to be big enough to hold the pressure that's inside it.

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No. A vein is more likely to collapse.

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Is it more dangerous to cut a vein or artery and why?

An artery because blood is pumped through the arteries at a much higher pressure than the veins. Therefore if you cut an artery you will lose a lot more blood a lot quicker than if you cut a vein.

Is the artery bigger than a vein?

No the veins are bigger than the artery

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PO2 is higher in the pulmonary vein than it is in the pulmonary artery. It is the only place in the body where the oxygen level is higher in the vein than in the artery.

Why are artery walls thicker than vein?

Because the blood flowing through them is at a much higher pressure, therefore they need to be thicker to withstand more pressure.

Is the aorta an artery or a vein?

it is a VEIN <3