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Q: Why is a large nucleus more difficult to hold together than a small nucleus?
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Does Paramecia have both a large nucleus and a small nucleus?

yes they do.

Are prokaryotic cells small?

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Small agranulocytes that have a dense nucleus and very little cytoplasm are called Lymphocytes.

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How do materials get to and from the nucleus?

only small stuff can and medium not large organelles

The strong force between protons and neutrons in a small nucleus and a large nucleus?

It is called strong nuclear force.

Carbon 14 is radioactive because?

Stability of a nucleus is dictated by the neutron/proton ratio. Too large or too small and the nucleus is unstable.

What Are the major structure of a cell?

cell membrane, large vacuole, small vacuoles, cytoplasm, nucleus

The stronger force between protons and neutrons in a small nucleus and a larger nucleus?

In a small nucleus, such as oxygen, xenon, or any of the lighter elements, the strong force generated by the protons and neutrons is stronger than the repulsion between protons, and the nucleus holds together. In a larger nucleus, such as uranium, curium, or the heavier elements, the strong force isn't strong enough to hold it together, and the electromagnetic force pulls it to pieces.

How does the small intestine harm the large intestine?

It does not hurt the large intestines. They work together.

Why don't you see the nucleus in the elodea plant cell?

The nucleus is hard to see because it is small and the large vacuole may obstruct your view of it.Read more: Does_an_elodea_cell_have_a_nucleus

What compromise brought small and large states together?

the nation