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since polar bears live in snowy regions their white fur blends in with the snow

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Q: Why is a polar bear's white fur camouflage?
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Why do bears have white fur?

Most bears are not white. However, polar bears have white fur to camouflage with snow. The reason for the black and white coloration of the panda bear is unknown.

How could white fur in polar bears be evolved by natural selection?

The white fur is camouflage so there could have been different colored polar bears that were hunted out by an extinct predator?

Do polar bears camouflage themselves to prevent them being seen by their pray?

Yes, Polar bears are camouflage but the only predators they have are humans and their white fur doesn't protect them from us.

Why are polar bears body covered with fur?

For protection and camouflage.

Is a polar bear's fur white?

No. polar bears have clear fur. not white

What will help a polar bear camouflage into nature?

their white fur help them blend in with the snow polar bears fur insn't really white each piece is a clear hollow tube that keeps heat from escaping the polar bear

What are three ways polar bears are adapted to hunt prey?

sharp claws sharp teeth white fur for camouflage

How does the polar bears fur help the animal?

It keeps them warm ,and camouflage.

What type of camouflage do a polar bear have?

their white fur

Do polar bears have pink fur?

no silly it has white fur

Are polar bears full white?

Actually, polar bears have black skin with white fur.

Why do polar bears have white body fur?

They don't, the fur is actually almost colorless. The polar bears skin is in fact black.